Super-sized mum determined to be world's fattest woman

When she starts "trying" to scream for help because she is dying of heart failure, we should all gather around her and shake our heads in disapproval... tisk tisk tisk.
Most people who become the "fattest person ever" do it unwillingly, struggling to breath and crying to themselves at how worthless they've become. But not this time and it just goes to show the level of selfishness in today's society. Are we so hungry (hehehehe) to denote meaning in our lives that we have to go to such lengths to find it ? Is the quest for fame that important (of course it is what the fuck am I talking about!)? You can't say this is nothing other than a publicity stunt - and good on the daily mail for picking it up, I'm sure Britain's moral authority as I'm sure they like to think of themselves are very proud of themselves at this very moment and who wouldn't be? Stories about a woman slowly killing herself to find some sort of fame (of which they gladly submitted) are right up their alley.

How is that sort of environment healthy for a child to live in? The woman obviously has issues, apart from the weight I can't see how there isn't an element of mental health problems here to.


Member, you member...
'I'd love to be 1,000lb,' she said

I believe that is something we all can aspire to!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, at least she didn't set an unrealistic goal, like becoming skinny or something outlandish like that...

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Oh My God.. She eats 15,000 fucking calories a day????
I eat 1500 a day! She eats in one day what I eat in 8! Holy shit. Thats insanity..

I'd like to see her 150 pound husband.. I think he might be blind?


Torn & Frayed.
She's done more harm to the state of New Jersey than Bruce Springsteen has done good for it........she's almost canceled him out.

Now,all we can do is hope she never meets him,she'll probably eat him.


Official Checked Star Member
She really should be setting aside all the food men are sending her for her daughter. She's going to need some provisions once her mother passes away like, um, next week.

Seriously, child services has to step in. Or the father of that beautiful little girl. This woman has got to be the most selfish woman out there. Eating yourself to death for what, mens attention? That woman is a fat whore, not a mother.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I had hoped this was a joke. What a sick selfish asshole.
Doe's she have any idea that she is her childs role mode? What kind of example is she setting?
I have said it before "You need a license to drive, to carry a firearm, but any idiot can have a kid".
What is this world coming to.