Super nice and center right SCOTUS Justice retires

Celebrating someone's declining health, classy

Go on, make an ass of yourself, tell us your thoughts on her, no filter

The days of conservatives taking the high road are over. Here’s hoping she has a massive stroke tonight.
I say go for it, full on right wing, full on conservative values, full on religion.
I just hope Trump will pick someone who would make people like Santorum or Huickabee look like secularims advocates, someone like Bryan Fisher or Steven Anderson.

Overturn Roe vs Wade, overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, overturn Lawrence vs Texas. Executes womaen who got an abortion, execute every member of the medical personel who participated ot it (doctors, nurses, even the doctor's secretary), execute gays and transexuals. Please, go that that way, it will be amazing to see the US finally fully becoming some christian version of Saudi Arabia
I say go for it, full on right wing, full on conservative values, full on religion.
I just hope Trump will pick someone who would make people like Santorum or Huickabee look like secularims advocates, someone like Bryan Fisher or Steven Anderson.

Overturn Roe vs Wade, overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, overturn Lawrence vs Texas. Executes womaen who got an abortion, execute every member of the medical personel who participated ot it (doctors, nurses, even the doctor's secretary), execute gays and transexuals. Please, go that that way, it will be amazing to see the US finally fully becoming some christian version of Saudi Arabia

It is better to be conservative,have values and at least a religion than to be a liberal with no morals at all, no values and have no religion. Stop being so scared, the US will never be Saudi Arabia. And marriage is always between a man and a woman, it is not because the european leftist socialists governments officialized unions between gays and transsexuals as marriages that it should be applied in the US.
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I say go for it, full on right wing, full on conservative values, full on religion.
I just hope Trump will pick someone who would make people like Santorum or Huickabee look like secularims advocates, someone like Bryan Fisher or Steven Anderson.

Overturn Roe vs Wade, overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, overturn Lawrence vs Texas. Executes womaen who got an abortion, execute every member of the medical personel who participated ot it (doctors, nurses, even the doctor's secretary), execute gays and transexuals. Please, go that that way, it will be amazing to see the US finally fully becoming some christian version of Saudi Arabia

I'd be happy with another Gorsuch -someone who believes a Stop sign means "Stop." That it's not a "living, breathing" traffic sign or takes foreign traffic law into consideration.
I say go for it, full on right wing, full on conservative values, full on religion.
I just hope Trump will pick someone who would make people like Santorum or Huickabee look like secularims advocates, someone like Bryan Fisher or Steven Anderson.

Overturn Roe vs Wade, overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, overturn Lawrence vs Texas. Executes womaen who got an abortion, execute every member of the medical personel who participated ot it (doctors, nurses, even the doctor's secretary), execute gays and transexuals. Please, go that that way, it will be amazing to see the US finally fully becoming some christian version of Saudi Arabia

Send it back to the states. Not the law of the land. The rest of your post is utter bullshit. I see you for what you are, someone who is bent on the decline of America through open borders and a destructive central government .
You see, some people fall for the “ reasonable” liberals act. Your type is far more dangerous because you believe in trying to disarm ( no pun intend) those that disagree with you with this facade of differing opinion and “ we don’t want your guns” bullshit when all along the goal is baby steps and once you achieve your goals the boot of tyranny is firmly on our necks. I don’t trust the left, I don’t like the left, and I want to crush the left, not negotiate with them. What you advocate my country becoming makes me despise you and I despise those that attack their own to make favor with the left. Look at RINO’s in the GOP they constantly attack members of their own party ( Jeb Bush) and Mitt Romney said last night he was gonna call the president out when he felt he stepped out of line. Sound familiar? We are evenly divided and fighting for the soul of our country. The clarion call by the left is to get in our face, deny basic freedoms and harass us.

My patience has run thin and I don’t want to entertain your ideas or try to understand you.

I am going to cheer when policy is rammed down the left’s throats. This is war and I intend to be on the winning side.
No way RBG’s health holds up for Trump’s 2 terms. Trump will have nominated 3 SCOTUS justices. Then we will be able to ram 6-3 conservative majority opinions down the left’s throats for the next 25 years. Thomas will retire during Trump’s second term and a fresh young conservative is seated for the next 30 years. Cotdam, my schadenboner never ends. And it was just 2 years ago that all of you libshits were rubbing our noses in “ a conservative will never win the White House again and SCOTUS victories.
Suck it.
To those on here who say they might not vote at all. Keep this in mind....the next president will name as many as 3-4 Supreme Court justices. This will change the 5-4 balance on the court. So I say to my fellow lefties who are dissatisfied with Hillary, do you really want Cruz/Trump/Rubio shaping the court and thus changing the legal landscape when it comes to issues like gay rights, voting rights, workers rights, abortion rights, healthcare, Citizens United, etc

Well said.

With my shit-eating grin.

51 votes. Thanks Harry Reid! :thumbsup:

Lol love it.
No way RBG’s health holds up for Trump’s 2 terms. Trump will have nominated 3 SCOTUS justices. Then we will be able to ram 6-3 conservative majority opinions down the left’s throats for the next 25 years. Thomas will retire during Trump’s second term and a fresh young conservative is seated for the next 30 years. Cotdam, my schadenboner never ends. And it was just 2 years ago that all of you libshits were rubbing our noses in “ a conservative will never win the White House again and SCOTUS victories.
Suck it.
You should Hope RBG's health holds because it would mean Pence would have to replace her.
Whoever Trump would pick, Pence would pick someone you'd like much more
You lost. We won.

Suck it.
Yep. But if you can wait a bit, you could won even more.
Even if she stay, RBG won't be relevant since she'll be in the minority but if Pence is the one picking someone to replace her, he's pick will be much more conservative than anyone Trump could ever pick