Super Bowl Commercials/Adverts

Which are your favorites from tonight's Super Bowl, and which have been your favorites from the past?

I like Pepsi's and Budweiser's commercials usually. I loved the Mountain Dew commercial from a few years ago where the guy ran and butted heads with a ram!!!

They just showed a Pepsi commercial with Jackie Chan that was a riot! Although I prefer Coke way over Pepsi, Pepsi makes great commercials sometimes.

:nanner: :glugglug: :beer: :nanner:


Retired Moderator
Just saw the Budweiser commercial.

It was of the ones one with the Clydesdales lining up to play football. A sheep that had been sheared runs through the field and the two cowboys watching say "I guess we have a streaker". After running across the field the sheep then stops in the middle of the field and shakes his ass at the camera and runs away. It was great :1orglaugh
The first really cool Super Bowl commercial I remember was when Apple introduced the Macintosh computer!!!! :eek: :crash:

Damn. I'm getting old! lol :(
I loved the FedEx Commercial with the dinosaurs.

The other one was the Budweiser commerical with the revolving frig.
Just been watching it here in the UK. We have the same ads as any other night on TV, nothing special!
Anyway, I can't get into this Super Bowl game? Give me English football any time!
Anything this year is better than the AFN (Armed Forces Network) commercials I had to watch last year about quiting smoking, preventing sexual harassment and to practice OpSec.

So far the FedEx one I think has been the funniest.


It's good to be the king...
I'm going to strike my previous FedEx vote for the Mastercard/MacGyver commercial. Chuck Norris doesn't have shit on MacGyver!!
I thought the Bud Light "Magic Fridge" commercial was great!

The best I've ever seen, however, came from some investment or loans company from a few years back. It had a monkey wearing a t-shirt, dancing on top of a garbage can while a band played in the background of the garage. After about 30 seconds, it said "Well, we just wasted 2 million bucks...spend your money wisely", then the name of the company came up. I literally :rofl: on that one!
I am gonna have to say the best commercials ever would have to be the Terry Tate office line backer comericals.

The Revolving fridge and the FedEx was good i loved when he kicked the little dinoursour at the end or when the guy goes "hey guys hurry the magic fridge is back"

Oh yea and the hidden bud lights
i liked alot of them but my top 3 are..

It was of the ones one with the Clydesdales lining up to play football. A sheep that had been sheared runs through the field and the two cowboys watching say "I guess we have a streaker". After running across the field the sheep then stops in the middle of the field and shakes his ass at the camera and runs away. It was great

The Revolving fridge

The FexEx commercial was my favorite. When the guy kicked the dinosaur I thought I was going to lose it.
I liked the FedEx one. Also the one where they are playing basketball and the guy blocks the ball into his face. :D
My Fav's: I fell off the couch with these
1. FedEx, "Cavemen"
2. Budweiser, "Magic Fridge"
3. Budweiser, "The Game" (sheep streaking)
4. Michelob, "A Little Darker"
5. Sprint, "Crime Deterrent"

I like this one to, kind of cool
*. Budweiser, "A Little Help"

You can find them quarter by quarter here.