Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill

Ironically NeoCons attack Obama for his deficit spending while saying nothing about Bush's deficit spending during the past 8 years

President Bush and his supporters argued that these high-income tax cuts would benefit everybody because they would unleash investment that would spark widespread economic prosperity. There seems to be no evidence of this, particularly given the collapse of the economy at the end of the Bush years.
^^^ Which is why the current admin should take a hard look back at the Reagan admin and the taxes during those 8 glorious years. More people paid taxes, and the rich had a slightly higher tax percentage then than they do now.
^^^ Which is why the current admin should take a hard look back at the Reagan admin and the taxes during those 8 glorious years. More people paid taxes, and the rich had a slightly higher tax percentage then than they do now.

How does the tax code now compare to Reagan era tax code?
The most pertinent and bitter line from this link....
President Bush and his supporters argued that these high-income tax cuts would benefit everybody because they would unleash investment that would spark widespread economic prosperity. There seems to be no evidence of this, particularly given the collapse of the economy at the end of the Bush years.

I remember at the time there were 18 Noble Laureate winners in Economics who came together and took out ads in national newspapers decrying these tax cuts basically saying they would ruin the economy....