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Major Kudos to both of them and their parents. The odd thing is the national media only mentioned Mr. Ekeh, not Ms. Khalif. I hate to say I think we know the reason why. Minnesota high school student has achieved the rare honor of being accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools, plus more highly accredited colleges.
“I was very surprised,” Munira Khalif, senior at Mounds Park Academy, said. “The best part for me was being able to call family members on the phone and to hear their excitement. This was truly a blessing from God.”
New York high school senior Harold Ekeh was recently accepted to all eight Ivy League schools.
That would be Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Dartmouth and Cornell. Those Ivy League schools typically accept no more than 14 percent of applicants.
Ekeh told the New York Post, "My parents' hard work, and my hard work finally paid off."
Ekeh told FOX News his ultimate goal is to become a neurosurgeon and work on curing Alzheimer's, a disease that befell his grandmother.
North Central senior Stefan Stoykov has been accepted to all eight Ivy League schools and 18 colleges across the United States, in total.
Stoykov was born in Bulgaria, and he moved to the United States with his family when he was eight-years-old.
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