Strongest or Fastest? If you could pick one ability..


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I would always go for speed. Wether we are talking sports or supernatural power. To me, it always was more of a rush to run fast - and in my younger years, I was pretty fast, in soccer, too. It's good to be able to lift stuff and be able to carry things, but it just does not have the same appeal.
Whichever one gives me the bigger dick. Which has to be the point of this thread somehow, right?

Hey Animus, if you were the strongest you'd probably be like 9 feet tall and at least 550 lbs. If you looked down and were disappointed at your 14 inch wiener it would only be because of scale. If ladies could deal with your hideous and grotesque gargantuan appearance they'd enjoy getting stretched the fuck out.
Strongest for sure. All I can think of is casually picking up my girl with one arm and whisking her around. I think she'd enjoy that.
Hey Animus, if you were the strongest you'd probably be like 9 feet tall and at least 550 lbs. If you looked down and were disappointed at your 14 inch wiener it would only be because of scale. If ladies could deal with your hideous and grotesque gargantuan appearance they'd enjoy getting stretched the fuck out.

that's a good point. And I'd be making millions in the NBA, so there's that.
I'll go for fastest. Strength means nothing if you can't catch me to use it.

Whichever one gives me the bigger dick. Which has to be the point of this thread somehow, right?

Beat me to it.

I'm sticking with speed. I'll be fucking so fast she'll feel like she's got cock going up to her lungs.

Runners such as Usain Bolt are quite muscular guys, I wouldn't take a punch or a kick from them. But due it their weight I don't think these "world strongest man" contestants can run very fast.

But then there's another question : Usain Bolt or Mo Farah ?
Bolt : World Champion & Olympic Champion on both 100m & 200m
Farah : World Champion & Olympic Champion on both 5.000m & 10.000m

Runners such as Usain Bolt are quite muscular guys, I wouldn't take a punch or a kick from them. But due it their weight I don't think these "world strongest man" contestants can run very fast.

But then there's another question : Usain Bolt or Mo Farah ?
Bolt : World Champion & Olympic Champion on both 100m & 200m
Farah : World Champion & Olympic Champion on both 5.000m & 10.000m

If you were the strongest you could take the trackman and javelin his head into the ground. If he were dumb enough to punch you in your cro-magnon head he'd shatter his arm up to his elbow. At that point he'd be reeling in pain so you can waltz over there and snap those legs that carried him so well and speedy like twigs.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I'd say:

You want to be strongest, you are a medieval person

You want to be fastest, you are a modern man
Woah! dang... All these minute men and other 10 second miracles want to be even faster... I guess that gives whole new meaning to ghost rider, when girls won't even have time to realize what has happened... That probably fits perfectly to all anti-social people of internet fap generation thought... I guess that leaves less embarrassment afterwards when even cameras cannot record what happened and one can escape before people might actually talk to them...

According to sample pictures, I'd rather be fast and look somewhat normal with little sporty side, than look like a gorilla in steroids with a grin as ugly as diarrhea farting horse ass. Those wishing for a bigger dick, I've heard some rumors that muscle men in steroids tend to have smaller penises due all kind of hormonal imbalances...


Closed Account
Give me strength. If I need to go fast, I have a car and my pilot license. And for you pencil necked geeks who mentioned runners, the majority of them do weight training that focuses on fast twitch muscles. This way there is explosive power in the first part of the race. Plus the runner on the right says it all :D Not that there's anything wrong with it.


This question reminds me of this scene.
The fastest (more agile) would have beaten the strong one if it wasn't for his cockiness

I am soo ready for next week!