What a fucking joke this broad is so out of touch people are losing everything they have worked for and shes got the balls to have a show about her dog WTF.
She's a billionare, I think she can do what she wants...
there will be memorial calendars
then t-shirts and baseball caps
10 years from now and anniversary show
and then a show where other pseudo celebrities share their idiotic memories of poochie
same as with diana, 9/11, that time when hollywood ran out of botox... they try to squeeze every last penny out of everything, and all they do is cheapen everything and make themselves look idiotic in the process. natasha richardson died like two days ago and already she's on the cover of people... but they added the description "actress" to her name on the cover, in case nobody knows who she was. get ready for a deluge of tacky shit in the next few weeks. OMG she was my best friend... of course she's dead now, so she can't argue with that statement anymore, right?
btw, if you want her face on a coffee mug, send me $19.99. i'll send you that mug right away... it's not oppportunism, no. it's a "celebration of the life-spirit that is within all of us" and shit like that, but you still have to pay to be a part of it.