States Consider Drug Testing For Welfare Recips


States consider drug tests for welfare recipients


CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Want government assistance? Just say no to drugs.

Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing.

The effort comes as more Americans turn to these safety nets to ride out the recession. Poverty and civil liberties advocates fear the strategy could backfire, discouraging some people from seeking financial aid and making already desperate situations worse.

Those in favor of the drug tests say they are motivated out of a concern for their constituents' health and ability to put themselves on more solid financial footing once the economy rebounds. But proponents concede they also want to send a message: you don't get something for nothing.

"Nobody's being forced into these assistance programs," said


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Pass it. Immediately. Skip all the red tape and just pass it. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen food stamps used by people that smelled slightly of weed, and more of unwashed.. whew. I'm glad I dont live on the east side or downtown Indianapolis anymore.
Only if all the execs at the banks and other institutions getting bailouts are subjected to the same kind of testing.
I love the "Nobody's being forced into these assistance programs," line.The movers and shakers in this economy show no ethics and drive our economy into recession but its the lower people on the totem pole asked to submit to such invasions of privacy, but their not forced to collect benefits.Yeah I guess they could become homeless starving hordes roaming the streets not collecting the unemployment they paid into and the other programs they paid into while they were working.

"At least six states — Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Virginia — tie eligibility for some public assistance to drug testing for convicted felons or parolees, according to the NCSL."

So now some states want to make being laid off same as being a convicted felon or parolee when it comes to submitting to drug testing.I doubt with the current economic condition and so many feeling they may be next to be in trouble this will find much support among the voters,I sure hope not.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
They'll do ANYTHING to cull the herd of people asking for unemployment. I hate to side with the executives, but.. if their companies go under, they can just go to another. The unemployed are pretty much fucked until 2010, or 2011 or whenever the jobless rate goes back to rational, normal levels.


Although I detest those who willingly abuse America's safety net welfare system, and many do (as they incessantly bitch about how unfair and rotten America is)
I don't think that this is a good idea because of the slippery slope. Need I say more ? :o


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Although I detest those who willingly abuse America's safety net welfare system, and many do (as they incessantly bitch about how unfair and rotten America is)
I don't think that this is a good idea because of the slippery slope. Need I say more ? :o

We're already on the slippery slope. We're Jack in the cave with an Obamapenguin leading us down a completely odd path for America. Socialists and capitalists cry foul alike, dems and repubs are at each other's throats.. okay, I'll tell you this.. I'm giving this country a TON of credit right now because we're all watching our asses close enough to see razor bumps at eye level.

Everyone knows the score, everyone knows what is at stake. With this many watchdogs on every single level of society.. the shit simply cant hit the fan this.. or next 4-year term's. This doesnt affect a minority.. this affects the MAJORITY. It'll be widely publicized, and long after the measure is made reality, it will be complained loudly. ;)
While i condone the idea, where they going to find the $$$ for testing?
For fucks sake, we're ass-raped enough as it is, wait 'til the bailout bullshit trickles down.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I really hope this goes through. I was in line at a gas station behind a woman who had her friend and her kid with them. The 2 women were basically grocery shopping at the gas station and discussing how much weed they were gonna go buy next. I wanted to smack the shit outta both of em!

If you wanna smoke pot fine! But don't use my fuckin tax money to buy your food in the process!

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
While I see the point of the doing this. and think its an effective way to weed out deadbeats.

but How many innocent family members (especially helpless children) are gonna be affected by this (drug testing scenario) how many children and other family members who can't control what the "one" in charge of the AID / CHECK does with it.

How many will go hungry, or go without medical assistance if need be, and possibly end up homeless without a roof over their heads? (possibly because of a drug problem or alcoholism) and this could also happen without the rest of the dependants knowledge ie. (they think bills are being paid when they are not) and everything is lost all of the sudden.

I think drug testing / screening is not a fair / good idea too being, because IMO their will be too many innocent affected, with all sorts of unavoidable casulties. :2 cents::hatsoff:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
While I see the point of the doing this. and think its an effective way to weed out deadbeats.

but How many innocent family members (especially helpless children) are gonna be affected by this (drug testing scenario) how many children and other family members who can't control what the "one" in charge of the AID / CHECK does with it.

How many will go hungry, or go without medical assistance if need be, and possibly end up homeless without a roof over their heads? (possibly because of a drug problem or alcoholism) and this could also happen without the rest of the dependants knowledge ie. (they think bills are being paid when they are not) and everything is lost all of the sudden.

I think drug testing / screening is not a fair / good idea too being, because IMO their will be too many innocent affected, with all sorts of unavoidable casulties. :2 cents::hatsoff:

Ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Like the recent tax hike on cigs. Deal with it.;)
Only if all the execs at the banks and other institutions getting bailouts are subjected to the same kind of testing.
I love the "Nobody's being forced into these assistance programs," line.The movers and shakers in this economy show no ethics and drive our economy into recession but its the lower people on the totem pole asked to submit to such invasions of privacy, but their not forced to collect benefits.Yeah I guess they could become homeless starving hordes roaming the streets not collecting the unemployment they paid into and the other programs they paid into while they were working.

"At least six states — Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Virginia — tie eligibility for some public assistance to drug testing for convicted felons or parolees, according to the NCSL."

So now some states want to make being laid off same as being a convicted felon or parolee when it comes to submitting to drug testing.I doubt with the current economic condition and so many feeling they may be next to be in trouble this will find much support among the voters,I sure hope not.

Why should the money I paid in taxes go to someone who uses it to feed their drug habit?

Oh, thats right, I shouldnt.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think this is a great idea, but everybody is going to bitch about it. You'll probably hear something along the lines of...

"What? So you think dat just because we be on welfare, we on drugs and shiet? Fuck you mother fucker. SUCK MY DICK!!!"


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I think this is a great idea, but everybody is going to bitch about it. You'll probably hear something along the lines of...

"What? So you think dat just because we be on welfare, we on drugs and shiet? Fuck you mother fucker. SUCK MY DICK!!!"

Please wait your turn in line, sir. The next available clerk will help you with your friggin' poorness. Thank you for your patience, scumbitch. ;)
Another problem is the fact that those drug test aren't exactly free. They cost a lot of money for each one and if you multiply that by thousands or millions of people it starts to add up real quick. It has to be at a point where it's just not a waste of recourses, and in a time where we are in an economic crisis I don't see it. I also have a problems with them giving it out without reasonable cause. You shouldn't have to prove your innocent of anything. Plus along with all the other stuff other people have brought up where are these test going to happen. You can't really ask people that might not even have a car to go somewhere miles away to have the test done especially if it's more than once.
Welfare recipients should also be required to submit receipts of every purchase they make and have cameras in every room of their house. Proof of church membership might be a good idea, too.

No money until they're 30 lbs. under recommended weight guidelines, too.


Someone hurting from losing their lifestyle (eating regular, paying bills on time) due to the meltdown aren't drug addicts...and if they take a hit on some reefer 2 or 3 times on a weekend for some relief from the depressing times, why are they suddenly not qualified for govt assistance? Drug tests don't measure quantity or how many times the drug has been used, or how long ago.
Smoke a hit of reefer once a month, and you'll test positive.
Drink yourself shitfaced all weekend, and Monday you won't test positive for alcohol.
Drug testing is a way for govt to control their agenda, not to get people off drugs.
I'd like to see a drug testing policy implemented for all executives and management of all companies receiving govt bailout loans...I don't want cokeheads making decisions that cost us money.
But that goes for all govt employees as well, imo.

And when there is a test that can detect alcohol use weeks after it has been used, then I'll support the policy.
All or none...

Look out the window - quick! There must be pigs flying!

I agree with at least 98% of what Philbert said!

Someone hurting from losing their lifestyle (eating regular, paying bills on time) due to the meltdown aren't drug addicts...and if they take a hit on some reefer 2 or 3 times on a weekend for some relief from the depressing times, why are they suddenly not qualified for govt assistance? Drug tests don't measure quantity or how many times the drug has been used, or how long ago.
Smoke a hit of reefer once a month, and you'll test positive.
Drink yourself shitfaced all weekend, and Monday you won't test positive for alcohol.
Drug testing is a way for govt to control their agenda, not to get people off drugs.
I'd like to see a drug testing policy implemented for all executives and management of all companies receiving govt bailout loans...I don't want cokeheads making decisions that cost us money.
But that goes for all govt employees as well, imo.

And when there is a test that can detect alcohol use weeks after it has been used, then I'll support the policy.
All or none...

Will E Worm

Only if all the execs at the banks and other institutions getting bailouts are subjected to the same kind of testing.
I love the "Nobody's being forced into these assistance programs," line.The movers and shakers in this economy show no ethics and drive our economy into recession but its the lower people on the totem pole asked to submit to such invasions of privacy, but their not forced to collect benefits.Yeah I guess they could become homeless starving hordes roaming the streets not collecting the unemployment they paid into and the other programs they paid into while they were working.

I agree, the bankers have to submit to drug testing and if this were made law it would be an invasion of privacy. ;)

I don't use drugs, but there's no reason for them to be illegal.
When did the government start deciding what adults do with their bodies?
They have overstepped their bounds on this issue.

Let's just stay on the track of fixing the economy and getting rid of the Federal Reserve. :hatsoff:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Someone hurting from losing their lifestyle (eating regular, paying bills on time) due to the meltdown aren't drug addicts...and if they take a hit on some reefer 2 or 3 times on a weekend for some relief from the depressing times, why are they suddenly not qualified for govt assistance?

If you get any sort of government assistance with your finances, you shouldn't be buying things like weed in the first place. I think that's why the drug testing should implemented.

There are people out there who are getting free handouts and using the assistance to buy things like weed, alcohol, Tommy Hilfiger shirts, $100 shoes, Gucci bags, jewelry, DVDs, rims, etc. It's a waste of our tax dollars.

Is it expensive to drug test all of these people? Hell yes. But, it's cheaper than handing them a bunch of money every month and letting them spend it on whatever they want. That's why I agree with Facial_King (even though I felt a lot of sarcasm), in the sense of making everybody on governnmental financial assistance provide receipts for everything they spend their money on. Rent, utilities, food, clothing, school, etc. If they can't provide receipts or the dollar amount on the receipts doesn't add up to what they are getting for financial assistance, they don't get anymore money. That's how it should be, in my opinion.

I'm glad that I have to bust my ass just to survive, but my hard earned dollars that I pay my taxes with are helping lazy, undeserving people get baked while they watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. That's the America I love...