Starcraft cheating scandal in South Korea


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
Reports of widespread match-fixing and illegal betting is rocking the pro-gamer StarCraft community in the country, literally shaming some of the most popular professional StarCraft players into retiring.

"Various pro gamers" were involved in rigging their matches in coordination with illegal gambling groups, having some players intentionally lose their matches as well as leak replay files of their matches to said gambling groups. But it wasn't just a few current players involved in the deceit -- evidently the widespread match-fixing involved retired players and coaches who helped the gambling rings get in contact with the current players in the first place.

And what's more, reports state that the e-sports organizers in South Korea knew about the match-fixing (although for how long isn't clear), and attempted to resolve the issue themselves before actually discussing "the possibility of co-existing with the illegal betting sites."

As it turns out, South Korea's human rights laws prohibit the names of criminals from being released, so who specifically is implicated in this massive scandal is still unknown for sure. However, reports state the scandal touches "many A-list StarCraft celebrities," including Ja Mae Yoon (AKA "sAviOr"), one of the best-known pro-StarCraft players in the country. In fact, the cheating is so rampant and such a large story in South Korea that it's even been likened to the 1919 Black Sox scandal, in which several Chicago White Sox players were discovered to be throwing matches during the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. Yes, this is that serious in South Korea.

This was actually reported on April 13th, but I just wanted to post this due to the fact that it has drawn comparisons to the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. As some of your may not know, Starcraft is huge is South Korea, as in the "NFL Football" of South Korea's pasttime.
I remember watching something on Travel channel about South Korea and they showed the video game scene over there, as well as a show on, I believe it used to be TechTV at the time, either way, G4.

Showing how fast those Koreans play this game is incredible! It is a shame that they sullied their talent with this. It will now most likely get so out of control something will be done and the game playing will not be the same again.
G4 actually did a spot on Starcraft in Korea a few months back as well. I was amazed at how fast they were and how seriously it is taken. They were showing guys who played Starcraft basically every waking moment, they had coaches, and even chefs who brought food to them so they wouldn't have to stop playing to eat:computer:

The speed just seemed unbelieveable to me. Imaginge hitting random keys on your keyboard, and randomly moving your mouse as fast as you possibly can. These guys are about 5 times faster than that.
These guys can do up to 600-700 clicks/commands a minute! The training video game camps. Damn! Talk about hardcore gamers.

Check out some of the tournament footage. It almost comes off like what wrestling is over here with the fans holding up signs and a stage with fireworks and stuff. Crazy.

The public gaming rooms they apparently play for so long they do not sleep, eat, or anything. Some have died at the computer station while playing game due to lack of sleep and food.
Starcraft is huge is South Korea, as in the "NFL Football" of South Korea's pasttime.

That's a vast understatement. This is THE competition right now in South Korea, and one of the most famous competitors cheated, mind boggling to be honest.
That's a vast understatement. This is THE competition right now in South Korea, and one of the most famous competitors cheated, mind boggling to be honest.

When it comes to the greed of money people will do anything to acquire it.
I find it amazing on its own that people actually bet on video games anywhere. Its only a matter of time before the US picks up on this.
Well take a look at who does illegal betting, bookies, collecting. We have a myriad of sports on every level that can be bet upon. To do it online/contests would take meticulous planning and something a lot of folks, nowadays, really don't know too much about nor how to go about betting.

Organized crime has many other places to place bets. South Korea, I'm not too sure about their sports scene, but since this is the hottest thing over there it only makes sense there is betting on the biggest 'sport' contest over there. Just as our biggest sports over here being NBA, NFL, MLB, NCAA, and countless other sports that can be used for betting. Video Game contest is small, and they definitely aren't going to monitor it online, for what? Fuck that.

It's a goldmine as is and been done for decades in major sports betting in America.

Give it 15-20 years when the young gamers of today get into organized crime and maybe see the potential in betting on video game contests. Even then it just seems so silly compared to the other sports we have to bet on.
These guys can do up to 600-700 clicks/commands a minute! The training video game camps. Damn! Talk about hardcore gamers.

Check out some of the tournament footage. It almost comes off like what wrestling is over here with the fans holding up signs and a stage with fireworks and stuff. Crazy.

The public gaming rooms they apparently play for so long they do not sleep, eat, or anything. Some have died at the computer station while playing game due to lack of sleep and food.

I used to live in South Korea and I've seen how they are big on making themselves look like the best. Anyone remember that cloning incident a few years ago? Same thing applies here. Basically, it ruins it for everyone else involved.

Oh and the gaming rooms are about $1-$2/hour so no wonder people stay there forever. :rolleyes:


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
An update of the StarCraft scandal:

Professional StarCraft league Kespa has issued a permanent ban on all of the players involved in last month's cheating scandal, effectively firing some of the greatest players in the game from ever playing professionally again.

According to a report on Team Liquid, the eleven identified players will not only be barred from playing again, but will also have their awards and professional recognitions taken out of the record books.

The cheating scandal was a major event in South Korea, where StarCraft matches are so ingrained in the culture that they are regularly televised.
I bet that has to be a HARSH sentence for these people. That sucks they threw all that away for a little cheating...

Damn shame.

One guy lost the equivalent of $1.2 million in earnings and endorsements. Talk about a shocking change.