I dont know if anybody here would be interested or not and i cannot find a good place to discuss this, but i have not been happy with the new Trilogy and it not because it's not "the first movies" either. Too many things left open and up in the air, i mean Anakin Skywalker was a virgin birth and it's just left at that. I know Lucas expects to awe us and make us think like the originals, but thats just too cool of a plot point to just leave there, ya know. I could be griping for nothing and getting old ( i saw "Star Wars: A New Hope" in the theaters 13 times in 1977), but i refuse to feel sorry for the whining little bitch-boy that Anakin Skywalker was made out to be in Revenge of the Sith (thats my opinion on the whining part) and the whole his-eyes-turn-yellow-thing-to-show-he's-now-a-sith-and-belongs-to-the-dark side thing just doesnt do it for me. Count Dooku was a sith and on the dark side and his eyes didnt turn yellow. Sorry for the rant, opinions are welcome even if they say "damn man, wrong place for the topic", ya know. Thanks for reading.