Spotting a Tampon In a Hot Chicks Bag!


Lord Dipstick
Is this a turn off to anyone?
I dunno, went to lunch with a hot chick that I know one day and then hung out with a hot younger chick from my work and both times I just happen to peek in their bags to see a Tampon!

Any Ex I had would always hide it or be a bit demure about it, is it just today's generation?
I can't explain why but I suddenly got turned off by this and BOTH chicks were hot....I understand it's a "nature" thing, but.......:dunno:

I mentioned it to both of them and they just laughed it off!


Lord Dipstick
You expect them to not have their period, then?

I dunno. Just a body function. They don't freak out when they see the Depends in my bag, so quid pro quo, I guess.

On a side note, did you know that vampires make use of used tampons as tea bags?


Lord Dipstick
Let me add!!...I spotted it when they were opening their bags and in one case, it actually fell out of the bag.
I did not rummage thru their things....I don't want to get negative repped by the Freeones police! :1orglaugh


Lord Dipstick
I don't get it. A/P you don't know chicks have periods periodically? It might put a damper on the mood if they're on the rag and I expected to hit that night but guys should know grown women have periods.

Here's the bigger question...what if they were on their period, didn't have tampons with them and an incident occured?

Would that make it better?:confused:

You're like the guy who covers his eyes to avoid seeing a gruesome accident only to spread his fingers and peek at the last minute.
Let me add!!...I spotted it when they were opening their bags and in one case, it actually fell out of the bag.
I did not rummage thru their things....I don't want to get negative repped by the Freeones police! :1orglaugh

How can one join the Freeones police or better yet the Freeones secret police?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Nope...cooter's bleed, what ya gonna do?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It never bothered me. Aunt Flo visits every 28 days or so. Would you rather have the women not be prepared when the need arises? :dunno:


Official Checked Star Member
I can't stand when guys get wierded out by periods. Its irritating, to say the least. Yes we get periods. You also jizz. Its unfortunate that OUR reproductive fluid doesn't come out of us during a pleasurable, sexual act like yours does, but its still our reproductive fluid. Essentially the same thing as jizz, only in female form. Just be glad our rags don't shoot out of our snatches when we orgasm like splooge does. And be thankful your lady friend is well prepared and doesn't have to bleed all over her panties, should her monthly visitor arrive.

Oh, and what goes on inside a womans purse is none of your business. As curious as us women can be as to how much cash is in your wallet, you never see US trying to sneak a peek do ya? :tongue:
My ex would not even go into the store to buy them,funny at the time,but very immature.My current boyfriend is very cool about All aspects of womens bodies,very sexy!


Official Checked Star Member
My ex would not even go into the store to buy them,funny at the time,but very immature.My current boyfriend is very cool about All aspects of womens bodies,very sexy!

I wouldn't even date a guy who couldn't be cool with it. Any man would be apalled if their women was like "ewwww semen" it should be a two way street. I may not like jizz, but I'll put on a happy face and take that load like a champ- the least a guy can do is buy tampons if needed, or be ready with a pint of Ben n Jerrys when Ms. Flow arrives. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't even date a guy who couldn't be cool with it. Any man would be apalled if their women was like "ewwww semen" it should be a two way street. I may not like jizz, but I'll put on a happy face and take that load like a champ- the least a guy can do is buy tampons if needed, or be ready with a pint of Ben n Jerrys when Ms. Flow arrives. :rolleyes:

You had me at "I'll put on a happy face and take a load like a champ."

My ex would not even go into the store to buy them,funny at the time,but very immature.My current boyfriend is very cool about All aspects of womens bodies,very sexy!

Understandable. What man wants to go into the store and buy feminine products?? I mean, mean don't usually ask women to buy their intimate products. That is a real disconnect between women and men.

However, if you manage to find yourself with a really, really incredible, out of your league chick and you want to endear yourself to her....walk in the local drug store proud as a peacock and buy her feminine products when she asks you to.:o