South Park

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
I recently got back into South Park as its shown on Comedy Central when I get home from work. I stopped watching it a few years back but liking the newer episodes. Can't believe it's now on its 13th season. Just wondering what everyone else thinks.
I watched a couple of episodes when it first started but decided 'Nah'. I've never looked back since. I'm fed up with the whole animation/satire attempt. I would like something original for once.

Park, rocks. You know it, I know it. SiCo doesn't have a clue... suppose that post is supposed to imply it's not good enough, but 13 seasons pretty much proves otherwise. I love that show.. they cross over into any and all subject matters.. its all fair game. And the funniest part - the shit I NEVER get bored with - is little kids swearing. I find that hillarious almost everytime I see it. If that's considered sick, then I don't want to be well!! Kids cursing cracks me up!!
Its like any other show, some episodes are pretty funny and other just don't make it. However I will never tire of dark satire.
SiCo does have a clue, he's watched it.

Crassness and crudity are great in bursts here and there. …but as you pointed out, it's been 13 long series.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I've never been a fan of the show, personally. I don't find kids swearing humorous; I deal with that enough at work.
SiCo does have a clue, he's watched it.

Crassness and crudity are great in bursts here and there. …but as you pointed out, it's been 13 long series.

I've never been a fan of the show, personally. I don't find kids swearing humorous; I deal with that enough at work.

If crassness and crudity aren't your thing, then avoid "Family Guy" at all costs.

If you're thinking Southpark is all just kids swearing, you're not really watching it. Matt and Trey are brilliant writers and satirists, and the humor on that show goes MUCH deeper than just kids swearing.

There's nothing they won't poke fun at. Nothing.

Is every episode brilliant? No.

But if you think it's just kids swearing, you're not listening.

If crassness and crudity aren't your thing, then avoid "Family Guy" at all costs.

If you're thinking Southpark is all just kids swearing, you're not really watching it. Matt and Trey are brilliant writers and satirists, and the humor on that show goes MUCH deeper than just kids swearing.

There's nothing they won't poke fun at. Nothing.

Is every episode brilliant? No.

But if you think it's just kids swearing, you're not listening.


^ What he said. :hatsoff:
I love SP... they make fun of everyone equally, harshly, and with impunity!
i dont know i use to be a huge fan i never missed a show . but i havnt liked the shows for a few seasons now i dont know its pretty much the same dull humor every show omg you killed kenny you bastards
love it. as always. especially now that i can go to comedy centrals website and watch every episode ever made for free. used to b i had to pay for em to dl em onto my 360. now i dont spend a dime to see my toons! hell yeah!
There isn't much difference between the likes of Family Guy and South Park. The swearing is very adolescent and the humour and satire is just the same as its counterparts. It's like the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, they're both riddled with one-liners and pop-cultural references. They date quickly.

…and noting how they attack omni-driectionally, doesn't seem to be a bonus to me but a weakness. If you have to diversify that much and see how many taboos there are that have yet to be broken then it looks cheap and desperate.

Good writing comes from clever use of the language not 'what's currently hot'.
I don't watch it religiously, but if I'm surfing and I come a cross it I'll usually watch. I do enjoy the way they point out the sheer stupidity of modern society.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Love the show...I watched the one where they had to return the porno vid to the store today, Lord of the Rings style! so funny! :1orglaugh
I'm a huge fan, like you I didn't watch it for a few years. I think I stopped after the second season and re-started on the 9th. But now it's probably the only show I actually look forward to watching.
I first saw this show when it just came out and gained reputation mostly for being potty mouthed.... I didn't like it at all.

A couple years ago a gf got me into it again and I love the show. Sure some episodes aren't great, but the show has some really clever approaches to the humor and satire and the swearing is not as major an element anymore.

It definitely kicks Family Guy's ass.