i dont care porn has all ways been overrated to me
You will be good friends with Andronicus. He also joined FO only for the Funny Pictures. :1orglaugh
Facials are a mild form of degradation because the girl gets marked - like a dog marks its territory by peeing on a tree (Jon Dough was here!). It has to do with porn being dominated by a male perspective. Hence, the mildly distasteful, yet absolutely male bodily fluid used. Porn isn't about making babies.
More extreme forms of degradation use more repulsive bodily fluids. Roald created a nice thread on this recently... :angels:
And, as Gordar pointed out, porn viewers want proof. You can easily fake a creampie (e.g. the pina coladas seen on GirlsGotCream), but a you cannot convincingly fake a facial. A faked facial will always look ridiculous, like the crap seen on CumshotSurprise.