Ethanol, the alcohol in your alcoholic drinks, is a diuretic. This means that it increases your urine output, thus causing dehydration. This dehydration can cause dry mouth, headaches, lethargy, and also causes the brain to slightly shrink, which can cause difficulty in motor skills and concentration. Also, as the body metabolizes the ethanol, excess NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) can buildup slowing gluconeogeneis and cuase hypoglycemia, which can cause some of said hangover symptoms, as well as mood swings and fatigue.
As the body metabolizes the ethanol, it is broken down through several stages, eventually into acetaldehyde dyhydrogenase which is a minor toxin.
The best advice that can be given is to drink a shitload of water while you are drinking, and a shitload when you wake up to replenish your body and flush out the toxins. Don't be afraid to go ahead and shit either, it just helps get rid of the acetaldehyde, but make sure to drink even more water when you're done.
Also, you have to take it easy when you are a new drinker. Over time, the body becomes used to the alcohol and can take greater amounts with less effects, but when you're a noobie, the body has no idea how to handle it. I would give it a few more days before going to see a doctor.
Just to give you an idea about how drinking water helps:
My first time drinking I was out with a bunch of seniors and i got absolutely smashed. But before I went to bed I drank a full liter of water. When I woke up, the only symptom I had was a bit of sensitivity to the light. Try it next time you drink.
As the body metabolizes the ethanol, it is broken down through several stages, eventually into acetaldehyde dyhydrogenase which is a minor toxin.
The best advice that can be given is to drink a shitload of water while you are drinking, and a shitload when you wake up to replenish your body and flush out the toxins. Don't be afraid to go ahead and shit either, it just helps get rid of the acetaldehyde, but make sure to drink even more water when you're done.
Also, you have to take it easy when you are a new drinker. Over time, the body becomes used to the alcohol and can take greater amounts with less effects, but when you're a noobie, the body has no idea how to handle it. I would give it a few more days before going to see a doctor.
Just to give you an idea about how drinking water helps:
My first time drinking I was out with a bunch of seniors and i got absolutely smashed. But before I went to bed I drank a full liter of water. When I woke up, the only symptom I had was a bit of sensitivity to the light. Try it next time you drink.