Smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers

Here's an interesting study about smoking cigarettes and IQs

Are non-smokers smarter than smokers?

Last Updated: 2010-02-23 10:00:43 -0400 (Reuters Health)

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers, and the more a person smokes, the lower their IQ, a study in over 20,000 Israeli military recruits suggests.

Young men who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day or more had IQ scores 7.5 points lower than non-smokers, Dr. Mark Weiser of Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer and his colleagues found.

"Adolescents with poorer IQ scores might be targeted for programmes designed to prevent smoking," they conclude in the journal Addiction.

While there is evidence for a link between smoking and lower IQ, many studies have relied on intelligence tests given in childhood, and have also included people with mental and behavioral problems, who are both more likely to smoke and more likely to have low IQs, Weiser and his team note in their report.

To better understand the smoking-IQ relationship, the researchers looked at 20,211 18-year-old men recruited into the Israeli military. The group did not include anyone with major mental health problems, because these individuals are disqualified from military service.

According to the investigators, 28 percent of the study participants smoked at least one cigarette a day, around 3 percent said they were ex-smokers, and 68 percent had never smoked.

The smokers had significantly lower intelligence test scores than non-smokers, and this remained true even after the researchers accounted for socioeconomic status as measured by how many years of formal education a recruit's father had completed.

The average IQ for non-smokers was about 101, while it was 94 for men who had started smoking before entering the military. IQ steadily dropped as the number of cigarettes smoked increased, from 98 for people who smoked one to five cigarettes daily to 90 for those who smoked more than a pack a day. IQ scores from 84 to 116 are considered to indicate average intelligence.

Recruits aren't allowed to smoke while intelligence tests are administered, the researchers note, so it's possible that withdrawal symptoms might affect smokers' scores. To address this issue, they also looked at IQ scores for men who were non-smokers when they were 18 but started smoking during their military service. These men also scored lower than never-smokers (97 points, on average), "indicating that nicotine withdrawal was probably not the cause of the difference," the researchers say.

The researchers also compared IQs for 70 pairs of brothers in the group in which one brother smoked and the other did not. Again, average IQs for the non-smoking sibling were higher than for the smokers.

The findings suggest that lower IQ individuals are more likely to choose to smoke, rather than that smoking makes people less intelligent, Weiser and his team conclude.

SOURCE: Addiction, February 2010.
I beg to differ!
Stupidity can be defined as doing something that you don't need to do, which offers no benefit and causes loss.This is also a pretty good definition of smoking .Knowing what we do know about smoking, anybody taking up the habit must be of below average smartness.
Smoking may kill you, but I don't believe it means you are dumber. Though my personal opinion is that you are pretty dumb to take up something that is nothing but harmful to you. No offense to those who smoke, I just do not understand it at all.


Lost at Birth
well einstien smoked. oppenheimer smoked. FDR smoked. JFK smoked. i dont smoke and dont consider myself to be as smart as those guys. maybe i'm the exception to the rule?
but i think it may just be logical fallacy.

although reading the article it seems to be saying more that - lower IQ people are more likely to choose smoking. key phrase here is "more likely" as opposed "will definitely". it just seems too closed envrionment to be modus ponen

anyway, i'm still going to smoke :nanner:
Fucking crap! A study like this is about as useful as testing the flow rate of ketchup. Smoking is choice, not a smart one I'll give you that but that's all it is. Smart people do dumb shit too. That's the magic of being human.
This is kind of odd actually. I've heard that stimulants like caffeine have the ability to increase I.Q. for the purpose of testing by 10 points. Even if you think smoking is a stupid decision, shouldn't the smokers be more focused?


This is kind of odd actually. I've heard that stimulants like caffeine have the ability to increase I.Q. for the purpose of testing by 10 points. Even if you think smoking is a stupid decision, shouldn't the smokers be more focused?

Obviously, this leads to 2 main conclusions...1] when doing a study on a popular/unpopular activity, suss out the current social popular attitude, and suck up to that with your results (ie, only survey the obviously slower thinkers);
and 2] ALWAYS smoke while drinking coffee or a highly caffeinated dark tea.
Possibly add a few IQ points in the process.:thumbsup:
Has anyone ever tested the IQ of the people who do these studies?:dunno:

Will E Worm


This is more anti-smoking propaganda.

They will go after alcohol next.

over 20,000 Israeli military recruits suggests.

Then it must be true! :rolleyes:
Of course it is true. To you nay sayers, remember the study IS NOT claiming causation! It is not saying that there not millions of very intelligent people that smoke. What it IS saying is that out of millions of people, those that decided to ignore all medical evidence and engage in risky behavior that will likely kill them at a younger age.

If there was a study done that tested the IQ of people that played loaded gun juggling, I suspect that those people would tend to have a lower IQ than those that did not.
I think the study says that in the Israeli military more dumb soldiers smoke than smart soldiers. Smoking did not contribute to anyone's genius (ex. Einstein, JFK, whomever). Soldiers may have a reason to smoke: calm nerves. But, it is a dumb way to calm nerves.

The social acceptance of smoking no longer exists. It causes cancer in most people who smoke.

This is more anti-smoking propaganda.

They will go after alcohol next.

over 20,000 Israeli military recruits suggests.

Then it must be true! :rolleyes:

Alcohol in reasonable doses is actually beneficial to health but of course overuse is bad.Deliberately getting wasted is also truly dumb.
There is a product out here that I use a lighter to light it up, I will then inhale the substance into my body, especially lungs, knowing full well it harms me, possibly even give me cancer. I will smoke about twenty of these until I have to buy a new pack.