Sleep Paralysis - The terror in the night

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis, a momentary inability to move one’s limbs, trunk and head despite being fully conscious, may occur when someone is either drifting off or, more rarely, waking up. During rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, the muscles of the body are paralyzed, presumably to prevent the dreamer from physically acting out the dream. Researchers are not sure why this normal paralysis happens during consciousness for victims of sleep paralysis, but psychophysiological studies have confirmed that attacks are particularly likely to occur if the person enters REM sleep quickly after hitting the pillow, bypassing the stages of non-REM sleep that usually happen first.

Other factors that make sleep paralysis more likely to occur include drifting off while lying on the back, feeling stressed or experiencing a disruption in normal sleep patterns, such as from shift work, jet lag, caffeine or alcohol.

Although sleep paralysis is a symptom of narcolepsy, it is also common in healthy people. Surveys from different countries show a wide range of estimates: 20 to 60 percent of the normal adult population has experienced sleep paralysis at least once. Around 5 percent of the population has experienced one or more of other disturbing symptoms associated with the disorder.

The most common effects include visual hallucinations, such as shadows and light or a human or animal figure in the room, and auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices or footsteps. A person often also feels pressure on his or her chest and has difficulty breathing.

The reason sleep paralysis may explain tales of ghosts and aliens is the strong sense of a presence, usually harmful, that victims commonly feel during an attack. They also report unusual kinesthetic sensations, such as feelings of being dragged out of bed, vibrating, flying or falling. These episodes can sometimes lead to full-blown out-of-body experiences. Sleep paralysis may be frightening, but it is never dangerous, and thankfully, episodes usually last only a few seconds.

Sleep Paralysis videos




This is a documentary exploring sleep paralysis and ghostly visions






The Science of Sleep Paralysis: A Prossefor breaks down what's really happening to your body.






Has anyone here experienced this?
I've experienced this before, but instead of the old woman, I saw hundreds of spiders descending on my from above my bed. When I eventually "woke up", I jumped out of bed as fast as possible and threw my sheets everywhere. Scary stuff. Thanks for the videos!!


It's scary ! :eek: My ears were ringing, it felt like the atmosphere in my room was under pressure, it seemed to get progressively more difficult to breathe and I couldn't move me body.

A doc friend of the family said that it's not that uncommon and it "could have been" related to the lack of sleep that I was getting at the time, working two jobs
I had this when I was really young and I thought someone broke into the house. I kept hearing these footsteps despite no one being around and I could not move.


The first picture was basically my dream. It was a pale white woman, but her face was all cut up and she appeared to have been dead for some time. She just stared at me during this time. She wasn't on top of me though like in that picture.


The One and Only Big Daddy
This has happened to me from time to time and I must say it is very scary and growing up in the deep south you hear many of the older people call it witches riding your back or chest.This sounds crazy but this is really the first time i have talked in depth about it.This is a great thread topic that was full of information Thanks:thumbsup:
The first picture was basically my dream. It was a pale white woman, but her face was all cut up and she appeared to have been dead for some time. She just stared at me during this time. She wasn't on top of me though like in that picture.

I remember that. The look on your face was pricele...I mean. That wasn't me dressed as a woman.


This has happened to me from time to time and I must say it is very scary and growing up in the deep south you hear many of the older people call it witches riding your back or chest.This sounds crazy but this is really the first time i have talked in depth about it.This is a great thread topic that was full of information Thanks:thumbsup:

Did it all go down seemingly minutes after you hit the hay ?
It did for me all three times, just minutes after turning out the lights. :eek:


Closed Account
This has happened to me at least three times that I know of. It is not something I enjoy. The last time it happened was as the video describes: I saw an entity enter the room. It just materialised outside the bedroom door, them marched over to me.
I didn't hear footsteps though.

I could not move or even speak. It was a bald, almost faceless being, male. It then strangled me. I forced myself to speak. I heard my own voice slur like one who is trying to wake up. I said "In the Name of Jesus" over and over until it suddenly left.

I actually saw my room, saw this thing approach me.

Another time I saw dozens of entities around me. It seemed they were trying to gain access to me, some climbing on my back. A bright, white light appeared, a being in the light said, "Leave my child alone". In a flash, like a millisecond, they were all gone.

Scary stuff.
Yeah, i've have at least 7 experiences like this. A few were not bad, like laying on the couch and waking up to hear my mom calling me, seemed so real, then i went upstairs later to find she wasn't there at all...Kinda weird.
Then I had some scary experiences, like once I was sleeping and my head was under the blanket, i woke up and i could see a through a little hole in the blanket, and I saw what looked like little pigmy men with spears, they started poking and jumping on me very weird. I have also had a few times when i just saw people in my room, sometimes they hit me, or sit on me or just stand there and watch me. All in all very scary stuff sometimes, now that I am thinking about it I hope I don't have one tonight...haha.
I have experienced it a few times. Another terrifying one is when I dream I am driving a car at a high rate of speed and my vision is impaired or completely obstructed. The fear is so real coupled with the fact the brakes usually don't work either. 99% of the time when I sleep I am aware that I am dreaming and can sit back and enjoy the "movie". But not when I have these types of dreams.


Closed Account
One of the videos reminds me of Monster's Inc., or would explain why my hair is a mess. The young guy experiencing being dragged out his bed. It was a mess until I used Pravana shampoo. Pravana shampoo, now in easy access bottles. You too can experience new Pravana shampoo.

Seriously, though, until I used that shampoo my hair was a complete disaster the next morning.

Monsters don't like Pravana.
Hasn't happened to me lately... But most of the time I just couldn't move and/or breathe. It was f'n weird.

As for ghosts, aliens, etc... I've never had anything like that. But I once woke up because I dreamed that I was getting choked. Thought it was real and turned on the light and even looked if there was anyone on my room. :(

Probably just a bad dream...

If I ever get that nurse from the pic, all she needs is a bag on her head. :1orglaugh
I experienced it once but I did not see anything strange like aliens or anything. The room did have a strange red glow however.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The scariest thing about that was the picture of the girl on the guy's chest.

I've never had this, but I have had one of those nightmares where you cannot wake up from them.
Girl is a vampire.

I've had three weird dreams three nights in a row. They were all the same theme but different things.

Another time as a child I always had dreams and could never wake up. I also have realistic dreams where I can feel, smell, and taste everything.

My dreams are odd to say the least.