Slate confirms Justice Gorsuch was the right choice and issues a ringing endorsement

if there ever was one.

Neil Gorsuch is everything liberals feared—and more.

By Mark Joseph Stern


On Monday, Justice Neil Gorsuch revealed himself to be everything that liberals had most feared: pro-gun, pro–travel ban, anti-gay, anti–church/state separation. He is certainly more conservative than Justice Samuel Alito and possibly to the right of Justice Clarence Thomas. He is an uncompromising reactionary and an unmitigated disaster for the progressive constitutional project. And he will likely serve on the court for at least three more decades.

If you're hated and feared by the left, you're doing something right.

This may be overly simplistic to the more sophisticated among us, but that's the purpose: Justice Gorsuch as Justice Scalia before him as well as the other originalists on the court believe a STOP sign means what the word says. It's not a "living, breathing" STOP sign - it's meaning is the same today as when it was issued. And you don't refer to foreign traffic signs to interpret it's meaning. It's meaning cannot be stretched to apply to an unrelated issue like say .... killing the unborn in the womb. Don't like the STOP sign? It's unfair and discriminatory? Change the STOP sign.

All I have to say is thank God in Heaven above for President Trump and for his pick of Judge Gorsuch. Stay tuned, left, there's more like him on the way.

Elections indeed have consequences.

there goes my schadenboner again.

I knew he was the real deal when he pushed back against Al Franken and the rest of the senate demtards during his confirmation hearings.

Somewhere Nino Scalia is smiling right now.