Size of your porn collection?


I'm new here. I'm intrested in to know how big is your porn collection?

I have about 50 dvd's and about 100 magazines. I only keep best DVD's and magazines and trade not so good stuff. I'm specialized in late 90's and early 00's stuff, because I don't like bald pussy. I love trimmed pussy and big breast and those bikini lines (late 90's pornstar look). OK, there some hot girls I like who has shaved pussy.

Sorry for my english, I'm from Finland.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Greetings to Finland. :wave: Don't worry about your English. It's alright. :) Better than some guys from England or the USA that post here. :D ;)

I have a few TBs of porn since I keep everything I get. :o Don't have porn mags. Well only a couple Playboy and Penthouse mags.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I have about 50 or so DVDs & about 60 magazines. I still have about 20 old VHS video tapes as well :)
My collection is not as big as it once was...I gave a few of my DVDs away and exchanged some of my VHS as well and at one point I had over 450 magazines when I used to collect about 10-12 years ago. Most of my magazines were British topshelf stuff like Mayfair & Club International, but some were American like Gallery & Hustler.
Welcome aboard!!
My mag's are:

Playboy + special editions many
Hustler many
Finnish Hustler many
Private 2 mags
Mayfair a few
Mens Only a few
Erotica (finnish magazine) many
Seksin Maailma (finnish magazine) 1 mag
Fib Aktuellt (swedish magazine) 2 mags
Estonian Erotica 1 mag
Mens World 1 mag
Playtime 1 mag
Penthouse 1 mag


knows petras secret: she farted.
googles evil.

that being said.. i have maybe 20-30 dvds? and maybe 30 amateur facial pics saved on the computer.
I usually don't let it go past 50 gigs
probarly around 800 Gb. but i've got 3 external harddisks :)
i have somewhere between 1200-1400GB spread across 2 externals

its all minimum dvd/dvdrip resolution video but have built up quite a few 720p or 1080p scenes/blueray rips over the last 18 months
Don't worry about your English. It's alright. :) Better than some guys from England or the USA that post here. :D ;)

I'll presume you're not referring to me or any of my people...


My porn collection abounts to a couple DVD's and a few avi files.

The majority of it resides in my mind.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have a Scoorge McDuck sized vault filled with porn that I swim around in.