Site-based sub-forum for "Identify / Name the Babe"

I'll try to get right to the point. Recently a number of "performer guide" threads devoted to identifying multiple women on the same site were moved from the "Identify / Name the Babe" forum to the "Niche and Fetish Corner" forum. The result is that most of these threads have slowed to a crawl because many people lost track of them.

Case in point, the thread devoted to has become lethargic. The thread was started back in 2006, and in the past year has seen over 500 posts made. It was so active that even the site owner found it and began to participate. Now the activity is far less lively and productive.

I realize these threads were moved because they were more than one babe, but the niche forum is not the right place for them either. If a sub-forum could be added to "Identify / Name the Babe" specifically for Performer Guides, it might make these threads easier to find and curate and increase their activity again.

Seriously, please do something about the performer guides being in niche instead of where they belong. It even states in this thread to ID anyone you want, so why have these threads been relegated to "niche" to die?