I've decided to stop promoting this Orgasm Girl contest because it's been brought to my attention that it is, indeed, a sham. I already had my doubts when I was in 2nd place with 180 votes last Sunday, then I woke up Monday morning and all of a sudden 9 of's most searched girls had
magically gotten 400 votes each overnight. My suspicions have been confirmed now by multiple sources, so I'm not going to promote the contest anymore.
Other girls in the industry have informed me that they worked to promote the contest for previous months and their votes were misrepresented, all the while the top searched girls on were still getting "magical" vote boosts. Girls who aren't even active in the industry and weren't promoting it, like Sasha Grey and Plus if you read the contest rules fine print, in order to win the $1000 prize money, the girl in the #1 spot must have a
minimum of 5000 votes by the end of the month. Apparently no girl who legitimately promoted the contest, even girls with 100,000+ twitter followers, has been able to reach that minimum number of votes. Which means that either purposely set the number unrealistically high, OR they're adjusting girls' voting numbers to always show below 5000 so they
never actually have to write a $1000 check.
I find this whole thing absolutely disgusting and I can't believe I've wasted the past few weeks promoting this website. The whole contest is nothing more than a sham, a clever plot to get girls like me to send free traffic to their site to boost its rankings.
I've always been very vocal about my opposition to tube sites, but with this contest I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt since it seemed as though they were willing to support talent directly by offering the contest and prize money. But it turns out, like all other free porn tube sites, they're just vampires who have no respect for adult talent and only desire to capitalize off of
my efforts to increase their own traffic and revenue. And they're getting away with it with this bullshit contest.
I sincerely thank you all so much for your support, and I'm sorry to have wasted your time with voting for this.