

New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
"Suckas Idolizing Mediocre Pussy"?

But what is, "mediocre" pussy? :unsure:

I think idolizing is the problematic part.

What say y'all? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
There's a lot of words these days for liking people.

Fair point, simping kinda sounds like getting friend-zoned, but that goes with putting it on a pedestal. I'm kinda torn... on the one hand I think all pussy is awesome, but at the same time I'm ghosting any chick that's playing games.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm going on 23 years of marriage.....I don't have much energy left to idolize ANYTHING, let alone pussy I'll never get to have.

Lately my life is like...."yeah sure sweetie, whatever I can do to help", then I just do what I want, and tell her I must have forgotten to do "it". She just shakes her head, and questions whether or not I'm blazing up to much, or just becoming a senile old fuck. The answer is both.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I would use those 5 20's, for my honey. She's actually worth a lot more, and to be honest, the coolest wife you could ever want. She really has only 2 rules....

1) No cheating.

2) No drugs....weed isn't a drug to her, and doesn't count.

Now, in an effort to re-rail this thread.....mediocre pussy TO ME, means. A pussy you enjoy, but not as often as you normally would, because it's owner doesn't put the effort into making it as good as it could be. Maybe she needs to trim it more often, or do some kiegle exercises, but she doesn't.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Its such a stupid word.

It was invented on the internet, so that's pretty much a given.

My initial idea was a thread about pussy appreciation because that's sO oRiGiNaL, but as way leads on to way felt a different tact was appropriate.

Alas, while I know of no pussy for which I am being a pussy for, I have more in common with that word, as you point out fine sir, than I am comfortable with.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I'm going on 23 years of marriage.....I don't have much energy left to idolize ANYTHING, let alone pussy I'll never get to have.

Lately my life is like...."yeah sure sweetie, whatever I can do to help", then I just do what I want, and tell her I must have forgotten to do "it". She just shakes her head, and questions whether or not I'm blazing up to much, or just becoming a senile old fuck. The answer is both.
I know this conversation - except for the blazing part. She just calls me passive aggressive or tells me I'm in my own little world.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
And when she does go off in that direction, all I have to do, is lick a finger, and start stroking one of my hairy man nips, and she runs the other way, screaming in horror. Argument over! :D
Shows my quiet sheltered upbringing. Simping to me was a reference from 2000AD.

Simp Simpleton = The Mega-City equivalent of village idiots, who dress and act outrageously.