Its obvious that you want to, so do yourself a favor and just do it. Don't forget to tell your wife before or after it happened.
u really should do it. i mean if u went bra shoppin with her, she obviously wants you to give it to her. but be careful not to fall into the friend circle or else you'll get nothin from her.
My sister in law recently got divorced I've been helping her move and giving moral support and everything. Lately though she's been hinting at having me help her in the bedroom as well, especially when its just me and her alone!! She's really cute and just has that "fuck me" aura. Should I hop in bed with her or should I just let it go?
Sounds like a set up to me
Yep. Too damned easy to pull off, too.
Stampede, if you insist on fucking around, man, go elsewhere. Do NOT do her sister.
Alright, I quote something I said on another thread:
I quote this so people know what is going on in my life. For the record we have no kids.
I cannot have them. Genetic Malady at birth prevents me from having children, no I do not want to adopt.
I say that so everyone knows and no one asks about it again.
Now, i remember the maxim never shit in your own backyard. So, before I do anything, I wanted to see what you guys would say. Maybe I just need my bell rung.
Also, my sister in law does know about my marriage( not the cheating though, I may be an asshole but I'm not stupid ) and the problems I have, maybe she sees a way to help herself and me at the same time?
This situation for me is REALLY a grey area, can't make up my mind. I know this is pathetic, but I really am looking to you for a little help.
EDIT: This is my wifes sister!