Should I do this?

My sister in law recently got divorced I've been helping her move and giving moral support and everything. Lately though she's been hinting at having me help her in the bedroom as well, especially when its just me and her alone!! She's really cute and just has that "fuck me" aura. Should I hop in bed with her or should I just let it go?


No mate, i cant believe your even confused about this. Did your marriage vows mean nothing to you.

My advice is start being a man and deal with your responsibilities. Or ask your wife if you should! Her answer will be the correct one.
For the record, I have played outside of my boundries, if you will. But never this close to home. The temptation is really hard to resist.

technically it should all be cool. but then again people get killed over technicalities all the time. id steer clear dude.
If you do it, she will own you forever. And do you really want to be owned by someone unscrupulous enough to have sex with her own sister's husband?
Great responses so far.

I'll chime in. You're a big boy and you'll do whatever the hell you're going to do, but fucking around this close to home is krazy with a capital K. You admitted that you were unfaithful to our wife, that could be forgiven, but to have an affair with her sister is unforgivable. If you do get caught, you [and not your sister in law] is the person your family is going to blame not to mention the added grief and embarrassment it's going to cause your wife [and kids?]. Now if you are in the process of getting a divorce or already divorced from your wife, then that is a different story. It's still immoral, but at least you won't have any marital ties to anyone.

:2 cents:
The cock wants what it wants, you can euther follow it and live with whatever consequences arise or follow your head, now if your head is telling you the same things as the cock I suppose your gonna have to listen to your heart, but that always gets it wrong.

Now what the fuck kind of advice is that? ^

I dont have any answers :dunno: