Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?

Should Euthanasia Be Legalized

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This debate has going on in Britain for a few years now since people are now going to Switzerland to get it done legaly........

So heres the atricle I just read

So guys what do you think , should we be allowed to legaly kill ourselves?

And what should happen to the people that assist us?

I think they should be charged if they take it upon themselves to do it , but if you have left instructions or asked for there help then no , I think they should be left alone & if your sick and your standard of living has declined so much or you have been left a veg ,you should be allowed to kill yourself and without repricussions for the people that assisted you



Closed Account
I can't wait for what Simon Cowell will come up with when it's legalized!

Will E Worm

Absolutely not. :nono:


Before I looked on the single no answer , I knew who it was lol

Step foward Will E :hatsoff:


I can't wait for what Simon Cowell will come up with when it's legalized!

I see you have had a name change :thumbsup:

Well it cant be worse than what he has done before , in fact I might tune in now if he gets the gig :rofl:


Closed Account
Well it cant be worse than what he has done before , in fact I might tune in now if he gets the gig :rofl:

at least it would give the viewers a way out!

"If you're thinking you'd like to die, sing up for the next death factor, just go to www."

It might just push ant and dec's capabilities though?


He should introduce it for the crowd at X-Factor , I know after watching some of that shit I would happily enter Euthanasia Idol just for a way out
i actually wrote a paper on this in some states, there's a thing called physician assisted's all legal as long as the physician OKs it....there's strict enforcement and rules to follow before the patient can do it...but in the end, the dr. prescribes heavy doses of certain meds, and the patients dies at home in there sleep...

if we can euthanize animals, why not people...we can pull the plug when some is brain dead, why not when they're suffering, or just don't want to live anymore...instead of letting them make a scene and possible hurt others, why not just let them die peacefully?


It's good to be the king...
No - I understand and sympathise with the reasons why it should be, but I worry about the misuse of such a legal ruling...


Closed Account
No - I understand and sympathise with the reasons why it should be, but I worry about the misuse of such a legal ruling...

I agree, and also, how do you prove someones wish to die, even if it's made years before, what if you change your mind at the last minute, even if you're unconsious, You Might be having a really good dream and want to keep it going!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You know what is usually quicker than euthanasia, and just as illegal?

Murder. :thumbsup: