"In Hindu contexts, hijras (Shemales) belong to a special caste. They are usually devotees of the mother goddess Bahuchara Mata, Lord Shiva or both. Hijra culture draws upon the traditions of several religions.
One of the forms of Lord Shiva is a merging with Parvati where together they are Ardhanari, a god that is half Shiva and Half Parvati. Ardhanari is especially worshipped in North India and has special significance as a patron of hijras, who identify with the gender ambiguity."
There are references of the shemales in the Indian Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Kamasutra they are referred as sex-associates. No other culture or religion has that old written history of Shemales.
What history there is in your country about the Shemales/ladyboys?
One of the forms of Lord Shiva is a merging with Parvati where together they are Ardhanari, a god that is half Shiva and Half Parvati. Ardhanari is especially worshipped in North India and has special significance as a patron of hijras, who identify with the gender ambiguity."
There are references of the shemales in the Indian Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Kamasutra they are referred as sex-associates. No other culture or religion has that old written history of Shemales.
What history there is in your country about the Shemales/ladyboys?