Sex With Robots


Forecast: Sex and Marriage With Robots by 2050

Humans could marry robots within the century. And consummate those vows.

"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience.

Perhaps this one belongs in Tunstys Corner (?) WTF


Asides from the obvious question why anyone would feel love/attraction to a robot, I'm wondering why THE HELL anyone would marry them.


Asides from the obvious question why anyone would feel love/attraction to a robot, I'm wondering why THE HELL anyone would marry them.

....female robots would have both a "mute" button and an "off" switch....
Asides from the obvious question why anyone would feel love/attraction to a robot, I'm wondering why THE HELL anyone would marry them.
I don't know, but if you lived with a robot and had sex with it/her but didn't marry her would Christians still say you were living in sin?


....female robots would have both a "mute" button and an "off" switch....

Anyways, this:
"At first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, 'but once you have a story like 'I had sex with a robot, and it was great!' appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I'd expect many people to jump on the bandwagon,' Levy said."
...made me spray coffee over my keyboard. I seriously don't want to know of this Levy fellow again.
I was married to a robot once. She beat me at chess everytime, but other than that wasn't too good at basic conversation and had no human emotions. :dunno:
I don't think I would ever do that. Although I'm sure many men will eventually be tricked into it when they make some good ones. Imagine that, having to worry about whether the girl you just picked up was a robot or a woman? I'm sure some guys wouldn't care if it's just a one night stand, but still.

Another question...would these robots be super strong? That might be dangerous.


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
Imagine that, having to worry about whether the girl you just picked up was a robot or a woman?
I've… seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those… moments will be lost… in time… like… tears… in rain. [Pause] Time... to die.
So people are up in arms against men marrying men, or women marrying women, but its OK for a man/woman to marry a robot?
Interesting topic. We cant even imagine what inventions they will have in 40 years from now...did people even imagine we would have the internet 20 years ago? maybe they will have robots that look, feel & have a personality like a real person....i think this is a strong possibility...
Hmm..interesting thought.

Would they come complete, or in kit form?

It would be nice to think that you could have inter-changeable asses/tits/pussies...choose whichever suits your mood.
There was an old Twilight Zone episode about this. Actor Jack Warden was a prisoner left on an uninhabited planet, and was left with a female robot for company.


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards


It's good to be the king...
Well if the robots looked like the following, I'd had to give it some serious thought......:)

Come to think of it, if the robots looked like LDM, Charmaine Sinclair or Danica, I wouldn't say no...:D