That's why I stick to the track and play poker at casinos. Very few times has another player showed me his dick.
No shortage of horsedicks though.
Female gamers get a couple of different reactions in my experience. They either get hit on relentlessly and followed, some of them seem to like the attention, some of them tell the dude to fuck off... or they get made fun of relentlessly, because to be a chick who plays games, they
have to be fat/ugly/lonely/horrible at gaming. I don't see the point in trying any of these routines. No one's going to pickup a girlfriend on XBL, and there's no reason to be a total prick for no reason (this applies to a lot of LIVE members). I've had several different chicks on my friends list over the last few years (lost touch with most of them by now), and they are/were just as capable/fun to play with as any of my male friends, especially on COD when some asshole gives them shit and they bite his head off.