Seriously, fuck Google

These motherfuckers honor everything from Sadie Hawkins Day to Ramadan and not one damn thing remembering those that made the ultimate sacrifice 74 years ago today.
Dat Duck Duck Go tho.

It's amazing how the alt-right can be triggered by litteraly anything. And then they have the guts to call libera snowflakes...
It's amazing how the alt-right can be triggered by litteraly anything. And then they have the guts to call libera snowflakes...

Wouldn't it be D day and the lives of the US, British and Canadian soldiers who selflessly sacrified themselves during that day, France would still be under the nazi boot. Show gratefulness instead of spitting on veteran's deaths like many of the ignorant and uninformed French left wingers. We know that Liberals don't give a clusterfuck about their army veterans. Yes, liberals are snowflakes and unaptriotic idiots, when you like your country, you support its army and its veterans. Republicans always strongly stood behind the army and their veterans unlike liberals.
It's amazing how the alt-right can be triggered by litteraly anything. And then they have the guts to call libera snowflakes...

You have a lot of cotdam nerve considering the day I am talking about probably affected events to an extent that had those men not given their lives you might not even had been born.
Eat a gigantic bowl of dicks.


Hiliary 2020
Young men running directly into a wall of bullets.
I used to think it was something that needed to be done.
Now i think couldn't there have been an alternative?
Huge coast, why send men right out of high school to be killed in that spot where the Germans were so ready?

I think they were sacrificed. Sacrificed by the rich fucks who still run the world today.
Would have been so nice if every last one of them said fuck you, I ain't doing it.


Hiliary 2020
Wouldn't it be D day and the lives of the US, British and Canadian soldiers who selflessly sacrified themselves during that day, France would still be under the nazi boot. Show gratefulness instead of spitting on veteran's deaths like many of the ignorant and uninformed French left wingers. We know that Liberals don't give a clusterfuck about their army veterans. Yes, liberals are snowflakes and unaptriotic idiots, when you like your country, you support its army and its veterans. Republicans always strongly stood behind the army and their veterans unlike liberals.

Actually it wouldn't. Eventually an agreement would have been made and France would have regained its sovereignty again.
But the rich psychopaths wanted war and they got it, and millions died and suffered.

Look at Europe now. Look at what the bought and paid for politicians are doing to it.

Picture it in 20 years.
Wouldn't it be D day and the lives of the US, British and Canadian soldiers who selflessly sacrified themselves during that day, France would still be under the nazi boot. Show gratefulness instead of spitting on veteran's deaths like many of the ignorant and uninformed French left wingers. We know that Liberals don't give a clusterfuck about their army veterans. Yes, liberals are snowflakes and unaptriotic idiots, when you like your country, you support its army and its veterans. Republicans always strongly stood behind the army and their veterans unlike liberals.

I am gratefull for the hundreds of thousands of boys who died (or got hurt) from Normandy to Berlin and even before in Italy, in Northern Africa, in the skies of Great Britain, etc. But I don't get mad over some stupid google stuff.
What pisses me much more is the total absence of any commemoration of any kind in the medias, by politicians (from all parties). If you wanna get outraged, be outraged about this, not about that stupid unimportant google stuff.
In a secular Republic, it would make much more sens to me that we had a holiday on June 6th ( rather than on May 10th (Ascencion Day) or on Pentecost Monday.

However I have to thank BC becase, due to the total absence or any commemoration of any kind in the medias or by politicians, I totally missed that it was the D-Day anniversary.

Now, not ot diminish the heroic deeds of the boys from Canada, USA, Britain, the US (and even some french guys from the FFI) but I don't think we would stil lbe under nazi boots if it wasn't for these heroic gentlemens. It would have took more time but I'm pretty sure that, in the long run, Sttalin and the Soviets would have crushed nazi Germany. The the soviets would have colonised all Europe (like they did in the '50 with Eastern Europe) and the US would most probably have declared war againt USSR when the soviets would have attacked the UK.
So in the end we would have been under a communist regime, ruled by some stalin puppet and WW3 wouldn't have been a cold war...
And that is exactly why the US government choosed to go to fight in Europe rather than concentrate their forces in the Pacific War : to prevent Stalin from taking over all Europe.

S in the end, what Operation Overlord saved us from is not 50 years of nazism but 1-2 more years of nazis, followed by 40 years of communism and then WW3. Which would probably be even worst than 50 years of nazism
If Germany didn't have to defend a western front, they would've rolled over the Soviets. Their greatest fuck up as was Japan's was declaring war on America.
If Germany didn't have to defend a western front, they would've rolled over the Soviets. Their greatest fuck up as was Japan's was declaring war on America.

Yes indeed. Hitler did the same mistake than did Napoleon. Hasn't he been gone on the Eastern Front, he would have ruled Western, Southern, Eastern and Northen Europe with an iron fist.
Actually it wouldn't. Eventually an agreement would have been made and France would have regained its sovereignty again.
But the rich psychopaths wanted war and they got it, and millions died and suffered.

Look at Europe now. Look at what the bought and paid for politicians are doing to it.

Picture it in 20 years.

I don't think so Petain has been a totally submissive bitch to the nazi regime and he incited the French to denounce every person who was either a gipsy , a jew or a resistant. A certain number of people in France owe their fortune in the past because their parents worked as collaborationnists of the Vichy's regime. Some luxury goods such as expensive paintings, expensive cars, expensive watches and expensive furniture were stolen and were even taken by families of collaborationnists of the Petain's regime during the spoliation. France had a sovereignty when De Gaulle was its leader but since 1974 France is falling down to a lower level year by year. And the Europe of 27 is going to break sooner or later, it was all about something unthinkable especially when adding the former eastern sovietic republics.
If Germany didn't have to defend a western front, they would've rolled over the Soviets. Their greatest fuck up as was Japan's was declaring war on America.
Before 1944, the involvement of the US and Canada was minor, the UK was doing all the work. But even without the US, the germans were losing in the East. Their greatest fuck was spreading their forces in Russia. From Stalingrad to Leningrad, the eastern front was nearly 1,000 miles long.

And they were poorly organised and equiped, or at least their organisation, their lines of supply, their equipment wasn't adapted to face the winter in russia. Hitler had planned that the operation would be over and that Russia would be german before winter. The soviets bought time and the germans were caught in the russian winter.
Then all what russias had to do was resist, watch the germans freeze to death one by one, harrass them and bring troops from the East to the front. Then, by spring, the germans had suffered to much casualties and the russians had reinforced their army too much for the germans to be able to resist the russian counter-attack.

Winter is what caused Napoleon's Russian Campaign to fail.
Winter is what caused Hitler's Operation Barbarossa to fail
By "without a western front" I meant American involvement in the European theater. No Sicily, no Normandy, no strategic bombing of German industries, no lend lease to the Soviets.
Sicily happened in July 1943. Stalingrad ended in February 1943

By the time the US got involved in Europe the tide had already changed, the germans had already started losing ground.
Sicily happened during Summer 1943. The Battle of Koursk happened at the same time. Koursk is about 400 miles West from Stalingrad. In other words, when the US started their offenses in Europe, the Soviets had already pushed the nazis back by 400 miles
"Now they say that the allies never helped us, but it can't be denied that the Americans gave us so many goods without which we wouldn't have been able to form our reserves and continue the war," Soviet General Georgy Zhukov said after the end of WWII.

"We didn’t have explosives, gunpowder. We didn’t have anything to charge our rifle cartridges with. The Americans really saved us with their gunpowder and explosives. And how much sheet steel they gave us! How could we have produced our tanks without American steel? But now they make it seem as if we had an abundance of all that. Without American trucks we wouldn’t have had anything to pull our artillery with."

America's industrial might and rugged spirit won that war.