Wouldn't it be D day and the lives of the US, British and Canadian soldiers who selflessly sacrified themselves during that day, France would still be under the nazi boot. Show gratefulness instead of spitting on veteran's deaths like many of the ignorant and uninformed French left wingers. We know that Liberals don't give a clusterfuck about their army veterans. Yes, liberals are snowflakes and unaptriotic idiots, when you like your country, you support its army and its veterans. Republicans always strongly stood behind the army and their veterans unlike liberals.
I am gratefull for the hundreds of thousands of boys who died (or got hurt) from Normandy to Berlin and even before in Italy, in Northern Africa, in the skies of Great Britain, etc. But I don't get mad over some stupid google stuff.
What pisses me much more is the total absence of any commemoration of any kind in the medias, by politicians (from all parties). If you wanna get outraged, be outraged about this, not about that stupid unimportant google stuff.
In a secular Republic, it would make much more sens to me that we had a holiday on June 6th ( rather than on May 10th (Ascencion Day) or on Pentecost Monday.
However I have to thank BC becase, due to the total absence or any commemoration of any kind in the medias or by politicians, I totally missed that it was the D-Day anniversary.
Now, not ot diminish the heroic deeds of the boys from Canada, USA, Britain, the US (and even some french guys from the FFI) but I don't think we would stil lbe under nazi boots if it wasn't for these heroic gentlemens. It would have took more time but I'm pretty sure that, in the long run, Sttalin and the Soviets would have crushed nazi Germany. The the soviets would have colonised all Europe (like they did in the '50 with Eastern Europe) and the US would most probably have declared war againt USSR when the soviets would have attacked the UK.
So in the end we would have been under a communist regime, ruled by some stalin puppet and WW3 wouldn't have been a cold war...
And that is exactly why the US government choosed to go to fight in Europe rather than concentrate their forces in the Pacific War : to prevent Stalin from taking over all Europe.
S in the end, what Operation Overlord saved us from is not 50 years of nazism but 1-2 more years of nazis, followed by 40 years of communism and then WW3. Which would probably be even worst than 50 years of nazism