serious question - how to increase volume of cum

Eat loads of whipped cream with your next bowl of fruit? more bananas preferably. it looks like a prick for a reason.
In he book Tommyland by Tommy Lee he said that Peter North told him to eat lots of celery and that because of the high water content that it works. Don't know why just drinking lots of water wouldn't do the same thing though.


I have been told that increasing your dietary intake of zinc is what's needed. Oysters are a favored item. Mineral supplements may help, but whether your body absorbs them from pill form is up for debate. I don't know if colloidal minerals are still available, but I'd look into them. Either way, it's minerals that you're looking for, but for Gods sake, don't go overboard or you can run into toxicity issues.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well since I eat a vegetarian diet, and a lot of vegetables contain water, eat lot's of veggies for a bigger volume.
PC/Kegel Exercises for Men. They don't actually increase the volume of your load, but they do increase the velocity of your ejaculation. Which insures that every drop gets shot out quickly and completely, rather than dribbling out for several seconds/minutes afterwards. Basically gives the illusion of a larger load without actually adding volume.