searching for a porn from the 90's

HIi guys,i'm searching for a porn movie wich i saw a few years ago,it was made in the 90's,i dont rem the name or the porn stars,but i rem the plot of the movie.A guy fucks his girl friend in her bed room,while the girl friends mom watches on and mastrubates.i'm pretty sure that the mom wears a red dress and glasses.later on the guy fucks the girl friends mom in the living room.I know it may be hard to find,but still if anybody knows the name of the movie plsssssssssssssssssss,let me know,thanks n regards.
I'm still trying to find a scene where some guy has writers block , then a brunette young bird comes over to use the pool , pink bikini and he ends up rootin her in a harness/swing
i dont rem the name or the porn stars,but i rem the plot of the movie.
plsssssssssssssssssss,let me know,thanks n regards.
please reply guyssssss,desp for tht movie,i think its made in europe,please somebody
guys pls help me with this search,plsssssssssssssssssssss

Even if I could help you, I'd still choose not to. Mostly for being prepared to use an extra twenty "s" but not two "e" and a single "a" in the word "please."

Rem? Desp? Jesus Christ.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Selen Videomagazine 1: Violenza paterna (1995) after 9 years of searching i finally found the movie,wow young anita dark is something else:drool2:

Well done...I know the feeling when you're trying to find out the movie or porn star and all you've got are memories or just a couple of clues...Freeones is your friend when it comes to that though with a good ID section and search facility.

Most of the searches I've done have not taken 9 years though, so hats off to you for your patience :hatsoff:

I remember one of my longest searches was for a hot euro-pornstar from the late 90s who I eventually found was called Nicole Thompson. I believe the search took me about 4 years or so from when I first saw her, and when I eventually made it onto Freeones and a couple of other sites like iafd, that's when I found out who she was.
Thx for the reply,much appreciated.

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Thx for the reply,much appreciated.

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Thx for the reply,much appreciated.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm so conflicted on what to feel for this guy.
Such unsatisfying closure.
I think my 'diamond in the rough' was stardust number 4 or 5, vivid, Kobe Tai, Jenteal, Michael(or steven?) DeLaCroix.
What sucks is that after all this time, even though I know what it is.. and where I can buy it, its too late.
It'd be like fapping to ancient porn - scratches on cave walls style.
Maybe not a problem for some, but the longer the time that passes, the more I know they dont look/act/fuck/everything like that. They probably got grown kids, by now.

Like deep throat's daughter, Anne Howe/Melissa Ashley. Even SHE is 40ish+ and retired.
"But I poop from there" heh heh.. not right now you dont.
I don't know about "closure" - but I found some photo sets of Anita on my .. hard drive. So, for the OP - I'll give you some tits, pussy and overall body shots. Enjoy!!


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Damn.. She sure has a small, tight pussy! ;-)


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She really is a beautiful woman. I might have to .. do further research, and see her in action!


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For the OP: I got through 14 pages on Pornhub. Sadly, many of Anita's videos were REMOVED, at her request.. :sick:

BUT - I viewed around half-dozen of them, including one which appeared to be a compilation of EIGHT scenes! One as a blonde, two as a chestnut brunette, and the rest as a dark brunette. They were ALL shot in Europe, and the audio is horrible.. Due to the audio - can't recommend her as a "gotta have it.." Here's the link to the compilation:
