Sean Connery dies at 90

Breaking in the UK. Sir Sean Connery, the one, the only true Bond has died at the age of 90. :(

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I just saw this on Yahoo. Rest In Peace sir, you truly were a gentleman, and a great entertainer.

And as mentioned above by Bluejaye, the one TRUE 007


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Will be suspending everyone posting in this thread claiming that Roger Moore wasn't the best Bond.

But yes, one of the great screen icons of all time. He had a great career beyond Bond and The Untouchables and The Rock. Check out The Offence, The Hill, Outland, The Man Who Would Be King and a bunch of others for a perspective on just how good he was.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I just heard about this. He was a great actor. Distinguished and versatile.

Sir Thomas Sean Connery -- August 25, 1930 to October 31, 2020


Very sad.

Besides James Bond and those great Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman films. From Russia With Love (1963) with Robert Shaw being my favorite ...

Although personally he hated playing the character.

Although Bond had made him a star, Connery grew tired of the role and the pressure the franchise put on him, saying "[I am] fed up to here with the whole Bond bit" and "I have always hated that damned James Bond. I'd like to kill him". Michael Caine said of the situation, "If you were his friend in these early days you didn't raise the subject of Bond. He was, and is, a much better actor than just playing James Bond, but he became synonymous with Bond. He'd be walking down the street and people would say, "Look, there's James Bond." That was particularly upsetting to him. - Wikipedia

... I liked him in The Longest Day (1962), The Untouchables (1987), The Search for Red October (1990) and these three ...

With Michael Caine, The Man Who Would Be King (1975) - Each actor said that it was their favorite film.

Sean Connery and Michael Caine.jpg

With Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (1989)

Sean Connery and Harrison Ford.jpg

With Christopher Lambert in Highlander (1986)

Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert.jpg

Rest in Peace Sir Thomas. :angels:
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Everybody loves Sean Connery and many of us do horrible Sean Connery impersonations in front of the family. The best James Bond and so many other great films. A bad film would become decent or better if Sean Connery were in it. A legend. RIP

Total badass here.

I've always loved his role in The Hunt For Red October, it's sad that his last role was in the not so good "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" where he clashed all the time with the director during filming making him quit acting.

Rest In Peace, Sir Sean.


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Great choice, Pornfan99. Great film. Outland was called "High Noon In Space" when it was first released. Peter Boyle turned in a fine performance as well.

Everybody watch Outland for sure.

I've watched it a lot, it's really got a lot more attention over the years and deservedly so.


Postal Paranoiac
Where do I start. I'm in the age range where, in America and even Canada, we have memories of damn near his entire career. Was never a huge 007 fan, but watching Connery in some of my favorites: Hannah And Her Sisters, Marnie, The Molly name a few...gave me insight into what a talent and presence he was. You'll be missed, Lionheart. :cry:


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Also, when Sean Connery retired from acting he left us all wanting more. That is the way to make your professional exit.

I was thinking about this earlier. You don't really see this much in acting these days, do you? It used to be quite a common thing in classic Hollywood days, but these days it's very rare. I can't think of many other A-list examples outside of Connery and Gene Hackman who have done this in the last 20 years or so. Maybe it's to do with a greater number of good roles for older actors, or that there are simply more projects to work in these days so work, by and large, doesn't dry up. I don't know.


Watched entrapment this afternoon, I didn't know that he pass... He was 90 he had a great life but still sad to hear he passed away, what a fant-astic actor.
Already missed, R.I.P Sean :cry:
I was thinking about this earlier. You don't really see this much in acting these days, do you? It used to be quite a common thing in classic Hollywood days, but these days it's very rare. I can't think of many other A-list examples outside of Connery and Gene Hackman who have done this in the last 20 years or so. Maybe it's to do with a greater number of good roles for older actors, or that there are simply more projects to work in these days so work, by and large, doesn't dry up. I don't know.

Right you are. Where are the new movie stars to replace the old movie stars? You know how long I've been waiting for the new Charles Bronson(not the guy Tom Hardy played)? When a doctor drew blood from Bronson it came out in ice cubes.
