According to duckduckgo, there's a couple of long running threads of complaints about this. I dumped Windows a couple years ago, never looked back. It got too bloated, and the privacy issues were just too much. See if you get different results on a less-information-bubbled engine.
Screensavers and wall paper seem like a waste of resources to me. I just let it go black, and it's just a standard blue page when nothing is opened, until it goes black. I have Win8 I think, so I know nothing about 10, but it might be an option for you. Save a little memory, a little stress and agrivation.
Screensavers and wall paper seem like a waste of resources to me. I just let it go black, and it's just a standard blue page when nothing is opened, until it goes black. I have Win8 I think, so I know nothing about 10, but it might be an option for you. Save a little memory, a little stress and agrivation.
I tried Win 8 when it first came out, and I cannot stress enough the utter hatred I had for it. I stayed with Win 7 until the very end and beyond. I started using Win 10 at work when my employer upgraded from 7 to 10 due to Microsoft declaring Win 7 would no longer be supported.
I don't really care for the "black screen", so I use a screen saver. I don't want to ruin my screen as I paid over $600 for a 43 inch.
I can't even remember the last time I used a screensaver. I don't think I've used one in over 20 years. It's not as important for most modern screens as it was way back in the day when CRT monitors were a thing, and usually I just use the function that will make the monitor hibernate after a certain amount of time without the computer being used.
As far as Windows goes I lost count of the number of times an update broke some small thing or another.