Just two hours after the Supreme Court reasoned that discrimination is not rampant enough in Southern states to warrant restrictions under the Voting Rights Act, Texas is already advancing a voter ID law and a redistricting map blocked last year for discriminating against black and Latino residents. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued a statement declaring that both measures may go into effect immediately, now that there is no law stopping them from discriminating against minorities.
In 2012, the Justice Department blocked these measures under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Federal courts agreed that both the strict voter ID law and the redistricting map would disproportionately target the state’s fast-growing minority communities. Still, Texas filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court over the Voting Rights Act case complaining that the DOJ had used “abusive and heavy-handed tactics” to thwart the state’s attempts at voter suppression.
In the case of the new electoral map, a panel of federal judges found that “substantial surgery” was done to predominantly black districts, cutting off representatives’ offices from their strongest fundraising bases. Meanwhile, white Congress members’ districts were either preserved or “redrawn to include particular country clubs and, in one case, the school belonging to the incumbent’s grandchildren.” The new map was also drawn in secret by white Republican representatives, without notifying their black and Latino peers. After the court blocked the map, the legislature approved small changes to appease Democratic lawmakers last week. Now that they are free to use the old maps, however, Gov. Rick Perry (R) could simply veto the new plan and use the more discriminatory maps.
The strict photo ID requirement blocked by the DOJ and a federal court would require Texans to show one of a very narrow list of acceptable photo IDs. Expired gun licenses from other states are considered valid, but Social Security cards and student IDs are not. If voters do not have an ID — as many minorities, seniors, and poor people do not — they must travel at their own expense, produce their birth certificate, and in many cases pay a fee to get an ID.
Thanks to the Supreme Court, the DOJ no longer has any power to block these laws, even with the backing of federal judges who found blatant discrimination. Under the remaining sections of the Voting Rights Act, individuals may sue to kill these measures, but only after they have gone into effect and disenfranchised countless Texans of color.
According to the 2010 Census, non-Hispanic whites have become a minority in Texas, down from 52.4 percent to 45.3 percent of the population. Latinos have accounted for 65 percent of the state’s population growth over the past decade. Projections show that the eligible voter pool will shift to roughly 44 percent white voters and 37 percent Hispanic voters by 2025. Faced with this demographic reality, conservatives have alternated between changing their messaging to appeal to Latino voters, who overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2012, and making it harder for them to vote.
It is only a matter of time before other states with voter ID laws and other election law changes blocked by the DOJ last year follow Texas’ example. Besides Texas, the attorney generals of Alabama, Arizona, South Dakota, and South Carolina argued that the Voting Rights Act was getting in the way of their ability to enact discriminatory laws.
Shame on our lazy. worthless, do-nothing congress for not attending to the required updates. Serious pressure from civil rights groups will force them to do so sooner than later. In the meantime, the Texas Reich is taking license to gerrymander voting districts to the benefit of right-wing candidates. Democracy in action....
Well, we all know that no one should use the tools of authority to alter the political field and we would all be incensed at the notion of it...
... you know, so long as the tool is the IRS and it's directed at The Right. In this case it's cool though, so whatev, right?
The problem is that this has been the most overreaching DOJ when it comes to issues of race that I can remember. And the other problem is that all of these actions brought by the Obama DOJ have been focused on red state legislation. There should be some middle ground and the concession for the liberal wing should be voter ID and for the conservative wing it should be less of a confrontational approach to legislation that will alienate parts of the electorate.
Holder is doing Obama's bidding and explains why he fights tooth and nail for him to remain AG.
The only thing that will make red state legislators wake up and smell the coffee is more ass kickings in elections.
This effectively cripples the Voting Rights Act. It flies in the face of a mountain of evidence of ongoing disenfranchisement-from voter-ID laws to intimidation and long lines at the polls - and the fact that Republican legislators continue to push laws designed to disenfranchise targeted communities. The conservative majority's tortured logic relied on statistical evidence of reduced inequities between whites and minorities in voter-registration rates, but as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg noted in her dissent, voting discrimination has declined because of the effectiveness of the Voting Rights Acts. Without these protections to derail attempts to roll back the clock, new setbacks are inevitable.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued a statement declaring that both measures may go into effect immediately, now that there is no law stopping them from discriminating against minorities.
I just noticed this outright lie Jagger posted in his post.
Care to post a link where Greg Abbott said that?
Redistricting is so done by both parties all the time...who really points a finger at the Right?
I just noticed this outright lie Jagger posted in his post.
Care to post a link where Greg Abbott said that?
Within two hours of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Voting Rights Act, Greg Abbott, the attorney general for the state of Texas, announced that a voter identification law that was blocked last year by the Justice Department would go into effect.
“With today’s decision, the state’s voter ID law will take effect immediately,” he said in a statement. “Redistricting maps passed by the legislature may also take effect without approval from the federal government.”
This effectively cripples the Voting Rights Act. It flies in the face of a mountain of evidence of ongoing disenfranchisement-from voter-ID laws to intimidation and long lines at the polls - and the fact that Republican legislators continue to push laws designed to disenfranchise targeted communities. The conservative majority's tortured logic relied on statistical evidence of reduced inequities between whites and minorities in voter-registration rates, but as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg noted in her dissent, voting discrimination has declined because of the effectiveness of the Voting Rights Acts. Without these protections to derail attempts to roll back the clock, new setbacks are inevitable.
Ouch, busted.If you are going to rip off an article and state it as your own thoughts at least don't rip off the first one you find LMAO
As for Iceman
You got me Blue. My life is now over now that I lifted a paragraph from an article and posted it on a porn forum. Please don't turn me in Blue, please!........translation: Get a life
Did your mommy write that for you?