Scottish Murderer Converts to Islam for Better Food & Benefits in Prison.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You'd do it too if you had to eat haggis every day.


The story originates from a 'Sun' article. Which used anonomous sources.

Until proven otherwise, its tabloid rubbish for the gullible.
Right so the moment it's an English prisoner doing this he will be referred to as British. If it was a Scottish prisoner he's referred to as Scottish. Because he's a prisoner. If he stopped a terrorist attack or cured Cancer or banned those kiddy videos Barney The Dinosaur (yay!) then he would be labeled as British because it would then be of a positive situation/media attraction. So I will not play along with that mentality. He was a British murderer that converted to Islam. In for a penny, in for a pound, as far as nationality goes. Right English media?... yip I thought not!.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Same thing happens in American prisons. Religious diets get preferential treatment. Ready-made food, bigger portions to offset the lack of pork (or fake pork, veggieburgers/turkeyburgers). Just tell them you wont eat food touched by human hands or youre Jewish/Islamic/Muslim/Vegan and they give you a special tray. My mum worked in two such institutions and it's fact here in the U.S.


Is somewhere outhere.
All he has done is screwed the system for a better meal.I'm sure any
of us locked up and knew how we could,would do it ;)
Right so the moment it's an English prisoner doing this he will be referred to as British. If it was a Scottish prisoner he's referred to as Scottish. Because he's a prisoner. If he stopped a terrorist attack or cured Cancer or banned those kiddy videos Barney The Dinosaur (yay!) then he would be labeled as British because it would then be of a positive situation/media attraction. So I will not play along with that mentality. He was a British murderer that converted to Islam. In for a penny, in for a pound, as far as nationality goes. Right English media?... yip I thought not!.

I cannot agreee more, Andy Murray is perfect example of that. It is ridiculous
I cannot agreee more, Andy Murray is perfect example of that. It is ridiculous

OT for the moment.

The Riots that recently happened. The news and shows on the radio and tv and internet are calling them UK Riots. They are not UK riots. They are English riots, they happened in England not in Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland. England. So that doesn't warrent them to be labeled as UK riots. I'd say that for it to be UK RIOTS it would have to happen in at least two out of the four places. Not one. This is the English media and some American media that label them as UK riots. Hell, for all I know other countries are calling them UK riots too. It's not.