Scientology: What’s The Deal?

It is a cult, like all other religions. But, more than any other cult, it's a scam


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If you look at it from a practical perspecrive, Scientology seems to do a lot to boost the egos of its members, which, especially in the case of actors and musicians, can help a lot to get ahead.

Of course, the deeper you go in, the stranger the lectures seem to be, what I heard from former members of that organisation

An eyeopener is this interview


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What is it? What do they believe in? Why do many consider them a cult? What’s the deal with the Tom Cruise also?

To be honest with you, I'm not sure either. They used to do TV commercials in the 80s that would pose questions that people would likely want answers to, and then they'd claim that the answer was on page such & such. I think it was a year or two before L. Ron Hubbard died that I ordered the free book. I looked on the named pages and I didn't see anything even close to the answers to my questions, so I "lost" the book. I don't recall that they called me or anything after that. I think they put me on a mailing list, but it went to my office, so I just ignored the junk mail - never contacted them.

From what little I know about it, it's more like a sort of pyramid scheme than a religion, that caters to wealthier people. The more money or power that you have, the higher up on the pyramid that they place you. I guess that's the attraction for people like Tom Cruise and John Travolta. Seems that more than a few of the Hollyweirdos are "drinking the kool-aid". You're out that way, so I'm sure that you're aware of the various fluff-headed things those people get involved in. The Silicon Valley/San Fran types are about as bad. Here's a story about a fruitcake Silicon Valley CEO (now former CEO ;)) that was following Kabbalah, which Madonna popularized several years ago.

The recently departed CEO of the co-working company WeWork was a big fan of Jewish mysticism — and it may have influenced his business decisions.

A story published Wednesday by The Wall Street Journal describes the close ties between Adam Neumann and the Kabbalah Centre, a Los Angeles-based organization best known for teaching a version of Jewish mysticism to Hollywood celebrities.
L Ron Hubbard was a pulp fictionalist, and kind of stumbled on "religion founder" for money, self-expression, and I suppose the pride (once it got going) of making a lasting impact on humankind (albeit, a debated one), by creating a faith system that, when all is said and done, will have had a marked impact on at least tens of thousands of people (I think it'll eventually fade, like Zoroastrianism). They have money and property, like a smart church should, so they'll persist, I think.

I dove into the topic, reading up on it a couple of summers ago. Fascinating. More fascinating, the true life story of the dude, and the religion, than any movie. Also, if Dick sounds unusually respectful, it's because they're known to be thin-skinned and litigious af. Eyesayit - they scare me a little. :uohs: