Scary films that are actually scary

I love scary films but don't know which are good or not. I watched Conjuring, Annabelle and Sinister films. Those were good. Lights out, this sleep paralysis (should be more that's what does it for me cos I have/had that for a long time)film can't remember the name, lights out, and others can't remember the name of.

Anyways drop your suggestions please. :hatsoff:

I want a good horror flick. And no gorefest shock films. I know which films to turn for that.
A film called Freaks made in 1934 will scare the bejeezus out of you. It utilized real carnival freaks and the director was ostracized after making it. Seriously, in 1934.

ETA: Correction it was made in 1932.
A film called Freaks made in 1934 will scare the bejeezus out of you. It utilized real circus freaks and the director was ostracized after making it. Seriously, in 1934.

That's one of my all time fave. Good ol' Schlitze. Not scary but I love it. Same with silent film Metropolis.

I like in Freaks the one fella smoking his cigarette (you know, I won't say as to not ruin it for others that'll check it out)
The end is just weird. All those freaks running around, real life freaks too. So you don’t think it is scary? It creeped me out.
Dino would probably like it.
No. I told my uncle about it. He got freaked out in the first part of the film. I think it's awesome.

Gooble gobble. Gooble gobble. One of us~~~

That blonde dedinitely had a awakening.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I love scary films but don't know which are good or not. I watched Conjuring, Annabelle and Sinister films. Those were good. Lights out, this sleep paralysis (should be more that's what does it for me cos I have/had that for a long time)film can't remember the name, lights out, and others can't remember the name of.

Anyways drop your suggestions please. :hatsoff:

I want a good horror flick. And no gorefest shock films. I know which films to turn for that.

Here's two. First one might meet your criteria. Second one was a bit gory. You decide.

The Ring (2002)

The Cell (2000)

The end is just weird. All those freaks running around, real life freaks too. So you don’t think it is scary? It creeped me out.
Dino would probably like it.

I have Freaks on DVD. Creepy film for sure. Check out The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari and Haxan too.

I would recommend the French film Martyrs if you want something disturbing.

I have been watching Horror Films since I was about 4 or 5 and cannot recommend anything scary since I am desensitized. I was scared seeing The Exorcist, Jaws, and Halloween when they first came out in the theater and I was way too young to watch but my dad took me anyway.


To me the must seen is The Conjuring, Also the first Poltergeist was great, love the atmosphere.

Many people will also say The Exorcist is great movie, not very scary for me because of my atheist background but most people poop in their pants when they watching it. :D

and Amityville the one with Ryan Reynolds is pretty cool too.


Do not approach, call 911
How about Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"? What's scary is that a decade plus later we're still heading for climate Armageddon.
Watched all the suggested.

Suggestion for you guys is Mama. Guillermo del Toro executive produced. I found it decent, but cute film. Sad ending first time in.

Scared the HOLY FUCK out of me

I was afraid to go into a Swimming Pool. I would look down at the drain cover. I was afraid to sit down on the toilet. ANYTHING water related I was scared to do
To me the original "Alien" was a masterpiece.
Partly because although you got to see bits and pieces of the alien you never saw the full alien until the final scene.
Not all that gory except the chest buster moment. Didn't need to be to be scary.
Great mood development and terrific suspense.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
The Conjuring is probably one of my all time favs, but I really like stories about the Warrens anyways.

Mirrors (up till the end) was really good and I think John Cusack did a bang up job in 1408. I also really likes As Above, So Below. I think the ending was a little weak.

And then I love all things Vincent Price. The man was a master.
I chose a random flick on Netflix. The Den came up. Something about webcam and crazy shit. Bout 30 min in.

Looks like it has decent potential.
Meh. The Den was ok, didn't stop it half way through like I do some Netflix scary films. It has a lot of promise if handled differently.

It has too much imitation from better films. Meh. It's a decent I am bored beer and veggie platter flick. But if the beer already been opened for an hour, untouched and the veggie platter hasn't any veggie dip...