Saturn moon may have ocean of water


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PASADENA, Calif. - Scientists say they have found the best evidence yet that an ocean of liquid water may be hidden below the surface of Saturn's giant moon Titan.

If the results are confirmed, it would be a starting point for further study into whether the ocean could be capable of supporting life.

The latest evidence of an underground ocean is indirect and is based on analyzing radar images and Titan's spin rates from observations by the international Cassini spacecraft from 2004 to 2007.;_ylt=AgcGozloP8DPrWiQ47Nvcaus0NUE



Postal Paranoiac
Don't get too excited. Most of the rain is methane. :(
When Voyager I first sent back images of Titan in 1989 I seem to recall a scientist (for JPL I think) wondering out loud about this possibility. If it turns out to be the case it would be a really fascinating development!
Don't get too excited. Most of the rain is methane. :(

that is why it is so exciting. we know that methane has very close freezing melting and evaporating temperatures. i do not have any good links, but look it up there are some nice reads out there.

then again there is the argument of water's freezing points density when compared to its liquid form.