
Drugs are bad... mmm kay?

I couldn't really find anything. I just wanted to quote Mr. Macky from South Park.

I did find this though, Dirty Danza = FILTH. It is a blog by the guy who started the website. There some links to caps and preview clips there.

I also learned that Sativa is a type of mirajuana, so I am thinking that Sativa might not be her Christian name.
Re: Drugs are bad... mmm kay?

I couldn't really find anything. I just wanted to quote Mr. Macky from South Park.

I did find this though, Dirty Danza = FILTH. It is a blog by the guy who started the website. There some links to caps and preview clips there.

I also learned that Sativa is a type of mirajuana, so I am thinking that Sativa might not be her Christian name.

thanks for the blog link! yes sativa is type of marijuana so i suspected it wasnt her real name all along. but how many people in porn use their real name?

thanks for your help! :tongue: