Satinee Capona is the sexiest pornstar EVER!

Satinee Capona is absolutely gorgeous. She has HUGE tits and a very sexy ass. SHe is very sexy. Best of all she has the sexiest face i have ever seen in a while. Although she hasn't made videos yet, she is still very amazing. Check her out and let me know what you think?
Dude, you change your mind on who the sexiest porn star EVER is more often than I change my boxers! Since you signed up this is like the fifth or sixth different girl that you've claimed is the sexiest EVER. :tongue:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I think she comes in to clean the office I work in.
Right. She's not a pornstar...yet. She is hot, though.
Nay ... not my cup of tea.
I hope she really starts to make porn, because i am sure she will be one of the best and sexiest out there. I know that i would watch all her videos

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
They say the camera adds about ten pounds. I think she ate five cameras.