Hiliary 2020
So Lenny Pozner and his wife Veronique as well as Neil Heslin (but not his wife and mother of his son Scarlett Lewis) are suing A Jones .
Both couples who were well into their 40's like all the other Sandy Hook parents are suing Infowars for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Lenny has been the parent who has had numerous yootoob channels terminated and who is an advocate for "A regulated internet".
He recently had a similar lawsuit against a man named Wolfgang Halbig. But when Halbig countersued and Pozner was required to show up at court he was a no show and dropped the case the same day.
His wife Veronique is from Switzerland. She is a gun control advocate.
She got a tattoo the day after her child was murdered.
And Scarlett Lewis, Jessies mom, said that her 5 or 6 year old son (who weighed 9 lbs 11 ounces at birth) wrote the words Nurturing Healing Love on her refrigerator the morning he was murdered.
She wrote a book titled Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother's Journey of Hope and Forgiveness, which can be picked up at Barnes and Noble for 1.99.
She also travels and makes speeches for 20 dollars a seat.
When she heard there was a shooting at her sons school of over 500 students she knew her 6 year old had done something heroic. And he did. When THE SHOOTER stopped to reload Jesse yelled at other students to run which they did. He saved 9 childrens lives by doing that but stayed behind to be murdered himself.
So Lenny who has been the only parent going after people on the internet, and Heslin who is a gun control lobbyist are suing A Jones.
So Lenny Pozner and his wife Veronique as well as Neil Heslin (but not his wife and mother of his son Scarlett Lewis) are suing A Jones .
Both couples who were well into their 40's like all the other Sandy Hook parents are suing Infowars for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Lenny has been the parent who has had numerous yootoob channels terminated and who is an advocate for "A regulated internet".
He recently had a similar lawsuit against a man named Wolfgang Halbig. But when Halbig countersued and Pozner was required to show up at court he was a no show and dropped the case the same day.
His wife Veronique is from Switzerland. She is a gun control advocate.
She got a tattoo the day after her child was murdered.
And Scarlett Lewis, Jessies mom, said that her 5 or 6 year old son (who weighed 9 lbs 11 ounces at birth) wrote the words Nurturing Healing Love on her refrigerator the morning he was murdered.
She wrote a book titled Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother's Journey of Hope and Forgiveness, which can be picked up at Barnes and Noble for 1.99.
She also travels and makes speeches for 20 dollars a seat.
When she heard there was a shooting at her sons school of over 500 students she knew her 6 year old had done something heroic. And he did. When THE SHOOTER stopped to reload Jesse yelled at other students to run which they did. He saved 9 childrens lives by doing that but stayed behind to be murdered himself.
So Lenny who has been the only parent going after people on the internet, and Heslin who is a gun control lobbyist are suing A Jones.