Sandee Westgate V.S. Amanda Lexx

Sandee Westgate or Amanda Lexx?

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Amanda Will Win, Thats My Girl. :)


Retired Mod
There must be something really special about Sandee Westgate because it seems as though everyone in a poll is compared to her. So Sandee if you don't win in these polls, you can take comfort in the fact that you are the standard in which all other beautiful women are compared.


I don't believe. . . . . . she is in yet another poll???? She's in her third, no fourth poll!!!! (2 from Freeones Tournament) What is wrong with you people, why do you need to compare Sandee with everyone: Amanda, NDN,etc??? Well you all obviously know who I am voting for. Disappointed in you Dinalt m8,lol, and Digital. Hmmmmmm, I have to think about forgiving you too for voting against my girl,lol.


Come on,where are you Sandee fans?????? And BTW, I wonder who Deadman85 will vote for???