I call shenanigans.
2 hotties fighting over a guy going bald?? As if!
If they are straight then there was cuter guys than him there..
Also think about it, if they had any bi tendencies they would have realised *hell with him, lets go somewhere else*..
Bottom line I want to know what is in his beer to make him hallucinate.. lol
he had a huge wallet!
AXE smells like bottled ass .. I was recently staying in a hotel on the same floor as bunch of MMA (or UFC - I forget) fighters who were sponsored by AXE ... the smell was unbearable.
That wasn't the AXE you smelled, those animals just don't bathe... :eeew:
trust me, attempting to hide the pungent stank of BO and amphetamines was the 'Christmas Tree air freshener' reek of AXE. It was like being stuck in a biowarfare experiment, only without the fun.
Next time bring a gas mask, or better yet goto another hotel..
Yes to the gas maskand, for the same reason as I didn't go to another hotel ... kinky sex kitten waiting in my room who was NOT going to be leaving the bed for anything!
Surplus store, here I come!
Get her one too, but that cuts out blowjobs... lol