Harley and Antonio,
what does my girl, Mandy Flores have to do to get Mob protection.... er Mob support? She's been as active as other on her thread in the last year.
No complaints of the Mob, mind you, i enjoy y'all's interactions and support of each other and Hybrid and Harley are regulars in my voting.
If i understood at the beginning of this year (i confess... i was just happy to get back to having a daily excuse to check out some amazing women and interact with others that don't have a tiff about nudity/ sex/ et al but i digress) there is a weighting system in place this year, but it's a weighted system based on the voters posting levels.
Now I certainly support that... those who support the site should have some greater impact on who the site honors.
Mayhaps next year Petra et al will look at a weighting system for the OCSM's... there are ladies on the lists who you still don't see, and there are ladies who are only here during the contest. And there are ladies who have a big following outside of FO and can swing a lot of power in voting.
I understand Petra et al want to maximize who enters and participates, and there has to be interaction with other sites/ companies in the skin game, and Petra I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!! Anything that the girls can by their actions impact their weighting, though, would be a fair change, imho.
As to Harley's being knocked out of the AM cat... I had wondered about just what makes that category that category... LOTS of places you seem women with 'Adult Model' as the header but elsewhere they play blue. And 'cept for those who can profit by titillating we small minded men but prefer women, I'd dare say any woman comfortable showing herself like most of the AM's do has already partaken of the meat, so to speak... i guess that's different from doing it on film (then again, it's the #1 use for new home camcorders, so most people period have been bare and... engaged on film at some time or other... damn it, i am digressing again...)
I don't know what sort of pressure is on you ladies to succeed at this... I hope it's mostly in fun, but I remember Harley last year was looking at winning letting her make the jumpt to full time from devliering pies (oh, to have such an angel on the porch when we order for delivery).
I'll shut up, but the contest has been great once again, and remains some of the most fun I have on the web year to year. so thanks to ALL who've been on the thread voting, interacting, showing off, and those behind the scenes putting it on...
and anyone still reading at this point, sorry, i'd post a pic, but it'd make the men laugh and the women cry out in dismay.
gotta wait to the last minute to vote tonight...
Pax, RA