Ron Paul fans

I would think that people that frequent a website called "Freeones" would be freedom lovers.

Any Ron Paul supporters in the house? :)

Most of the people on this site with only a few exceptions are probably big time social far as economic libertarianism goes, not so much.

In my experience people like Ron Paul just try to rationalize selfishness under the guise of freedom.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
:why: We know who will destroy this Ron Paul you speak of :cthulhu:
I enjoy this:

He'll obviously save us all! :bowdown:

Thats funny:1orglaugh

He doesn't beleive a question on such a topic should be asked of a presidential candidate.What a whack job he truly is.I want to know if a candidate belives in science as opposed to some without any evidence religious view,but he thinks the two views are equal.Thankfully he never really got much support (even from republicans) for the office.I got news for people like Paul, calling it a theory does not diminsh that there is a lot of science to back up that theory.Evolution is proven to all but the brainwashed like him.
I like a lot of his ideas, which are what our country was actually founded on... He'd be 10000X better than either dimwit the two major parties could scrape up to continue leading us down the road to poverty and government enslavement.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I don't get this guy. "I hate government. I promise to disassemble government. Elect me to run your government."

How about I just kick him in the nuts instead?

Yeah his views remind me of the lyrics to Once In A Lifetime by the Talking Heads:
Water dissolving... and water removing
There is water... at the bottom of the ocean
Under the water
Carry the water
Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean.
I'm a Republican and I like some of his ideas too, but the guy is just such a nerdy little oddball that I can't imagine seeing him as the President of the United States.
coming from a devout liberal: as i recall he had some really good ideas, but not believing in evolution and all that he's just too Jeezusy for me
I do not like him. He is advocating a return to the gold standard. That is even worse than a (somewhat regulated) private central bank (like the Fed) operating a fiat currency.
Thats funny:1orglaugh

He doesn't beleive a question on such a topic should be asked of a presidential candidate.What a whack job he truly is.I want to know if a candidate belives in science as opposed to some without any evidence religious view,but he thinks the two views are equal.Thankfully he never really got much support (even from republicans) for the office.I got news for people like Paul, calling it a theory does not diminsh that there is a lot of science to back up that theory.Evolution is proven to all but the brainwashed like him.

Yes, he's REAL brainwashed. Just one of them nutty Evangelical sheep who believes that the government has no right to regulate behavior and ban/censor things like prostitution, pornography, books, music, movies or anything broadcast on "public" airwaves. One of those Christian whackos who believe in a strict Jeffersonian separation between church and state.

I don't care that he believes in the Biblical creation because his entire political philosophy is one that isn't influenced by religion. I also find it funny that it's more acceptable for a politician who believes in, or claims to believe in the resurrected son of god who was birthed by a virgin, but not the other "silly" stuff found in the Bible.

Nobody blinks and eye when Obama claims to be a Christian (well, besides the nuts who think he's a closet Muslim). Christians believe that Jesus was born so that he could die and be the salvation for all. Salvation from what? Original know, what God cursed humanity with after Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Without believing in the Biblical creation, there is no basis to believe in the role of Jesus, yet millions and millions do it anyway.

It's ALL fucking nuts. It's ALL silly, ridiculous horse shit. It's all Bronze Age gobbledygook.

I do not like him. He is advocating a return to the gold standard. That is even worse than a (somewhat regulated) private central bank (like the Fed) operating a fiat currency.

Somewhat regulated??? Hahahaha, oh man. Regulated by whom, exactly? Congress can't even audit them. We have a money system where the value of said money is determined by the cartel that prints it. A fucking cocaine standard would be more legit than what we have now.