
Anyone us it? What do you think of it and does it work? I am not bald, but starting to thin out so I am thinking about using it. Any side effects or horror stories? Any info would be helpful.
it's meant to work, or rather its meant to 'help' but i've read that usage could actually thin your hair out MORE at first, and THEN it will start to there is no guarantee it will work for you as an individual cos everyone is different and the chemicals affect people in different ways


Or you could do what this guy does :eek:

This puts me in mind of my mates dad



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just shave your head and everyone will think youre a badass. worked for bruce willis.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
"Captain Combover" Gene Keady never used any hair regrowth medication. You don't need it either...


Postal Paranoiac
I tried that new Rogaine-NCC1701. It caused my ears to point. Last time I try a product endorsed by the Vulcan Security Council.