Robots that lure and digest insects and mice.

This is a coffee table that doubles as a mouse trap.

Crumbs are placed on the table to encourage mice to climb up the hole in the far-right table leg.

When the mouse stands on the trapdoor in the centre, sensors open the door and it falls into the microbial fuel cell.

The digested mouse generates the energy to power the trap door, sensor and an LED graphic display on the front of the table.

Just what we need. Robots that get their energy by digesting mammals. What could possibly go wrong with that??
That's pretty fucking cool! I'm sure that any kind of retail production would be far into the future. I've only had to deal with mice, one time, and that was about 8 years ago. I bought one of those devices that plugs into an outlet and is suppose to make a sound that mice hate. My mouse must have been deaf, because it didn't bother him.

He would even taunt me. Jumping out from under my exercise bike. I tried to beat him with a club, but he was too quick. I went to the drug store and bought some cheap old fashion mouse traps and some peanut butter.

The mouse was dead within about two days.
I have one of those sonic things too, but it's starting to die and it's no longer working at a pitch only animals can hear. It's a bastard to hear it but it still keeps the mice away.
There used to be these little wooden squares with a spring and you put a piece of cheese on the end and when the mouse takes a nibble, it would snap ...I don't remember what they were called.. but they seemed to work pretty good.
Yup its either gonna be Zombies that do humans in, or worse Robots.
What if I accidentally set my beer on the center of the table? Is it going to drink my beer? So, I have like... a Bender... but a table.
I had three once, one got stepped on One sat and starred at me for fifteen minutes.
\exactly I couldnt. and I thought it was dead. until I went to go pet him.
there could be a lot more, I hear them in my walls.