I wonder whether any of those she helped would offer her assistance now.
maybe 2 0r 3.
sounds like a hate crime to me, she hates successful people.
So it says she returned the money.
Bullshit, as if it wasnt already spent or transferred.
7.6 million euro to keep 117 acounts from closing?
7.6 mil divided by 117 = so she had to tranfer 64, 957 euros to each account in order to keep it from closing? why not just 100 euros?
this is a bullshit story. more bullshit journalism.
plus 1.1 million was lost aka stolen.
she either had a really good lawyer or the jusitce system in germany is really messed up.
or maybe it was politiccal correctness, probably was.
either way the story has a bullshit liberal spin.