Think A-Ry needs to get down there and take no prisoners
American road painters were left red-faced after they painstakingly inked the word "SHCOOL" outside a high school in North Carolina.
SHCOOL is painted along the newly paved road leading to Southern Guilford High School
The road outside the Guilford county school had recently been re-paved, and road crews were ordered to mark the school zones last week.
A spokesman for Traffic Markings, the contractor that painted the faulty sign, admitted that workers had "made a mistake" and said the sign would be fixed.
Another employee, who did not wish to be named, told the US news station KSBW that the error had caused amusement within the company.
"We're trying to find someone who can spell and get them out there to fix that ASAP," he said.
The error was not the first misspelling in the area; just last month, a resident posted a photo on Facebook showing that the town's name had been misspelled as "Guiliford" on a detour sign printed by the state's department of transport.
Spelling the word "school" has proved a challenge to other US road painters in the past. Last year a road crew directed Miami drivers to "SCOHOL".
According to NBC news, spelling proved a nearly impossible task last year for Wisconsin sign-makers, who managed to erect a sign with every word misspelled except for "exit".
The sign read:
Exit 185