This. And what does a director do anyway? Those soccer guys get the better titles (Manager, Director, etc.) for sure. Managers wear nice suits and get to sit on Recaro race seats during the game. American Football has lousy titles like "coach". Those guys wear dingy looking sweatshirts and look like they haven't slept in days.
There's a different between "coach" and "manager" :
Coach trains the team, build up its strategy and give orders during the games.
Manager does this and also choose the players to recruit, deals with the players contracts. everything cocerning the players is from his responsability.
The director deals with administrative ans financial tasks : sponsorship contracts, tickets prices, etc...
Premier League teams mostly have "managers" but other championships have "coaches". AC Milan for example : the coach doesn't choose wich player to buy. He's giving advices about those he'd like to have in the team but the final decision is in the hand of Silvio Berlusconi (owner and Chairman)