ChefChiTown: You are so funny. Someone should give you an award.
Bone: "the 2 party system insures that things are kept basically the same which has worked pretty well for more than 200 years. why change it now with no guarantee that things will get better and a good chance it could be disastrous in fragmenting the country?" this is ridiculous. there is a growing number of people who are alienated by the two parties and I say for very good reasons. there would be even more if it weren't for the two parties manipulating people by fear into not voting for third parties. your logic is so full of holes i hardly even want to spend the time typing a reply. For example, if there is no absolute guarantee anything will get better, and if everyone took that attitude, no one would have ever done anything in human history that in some sense of the word represented progress. think about it.
Pikachar: First of all, it is absurd to say "it's not ridiculous, it's law." How the hell can a law not be ridiculous. If there was a law that said it is o.k. to rape children, i could understand why people would call that ridiculous and not say something as outlandish as "it's not ridiculous, it's law." come on. i really wonder about some people's ability to think clearly. Second, i understand what you are saying about "rubber-stamping," but once again your reasoning doesn't quite hold up. if there is a democratic presidency, senate, and congress, should this be outlawed since there is a danger of "rubber-stamping"? Also, it is theoretically possible that even with the current way of appointing supreme court justices that you could get all nine members being part of 1 party. just think a lilttle and you can figure out how this could happen. As for third parties, Ralph Nader got 2.7 percent in 2000 which ain't bad considering that no other third party in the last 15 years has got higher then that. If Nader wasn't systematically denigraded as well as being denied access to presidential debates, he might have a better shot. Finally, you don't understand what i and others are saying about the electoral college. The problem is if someone gets the popular vote and loses the electoral vote, they lose the election. this is absurd and outdated.
YMIHERE: I hope you are not serious. A term limit is not the same thing as having to run for re-election. A term limit, as with the presidency means you can only be elected so many times. This does not apply to congress. Hence we have a clear example of a logical absurdity which is really a disgrace given we are talking about the "sacred" values of democratic government.
Legzman: I didn't say i could ONLY come up with five.
In conclusion: some of you people are seriously retarded.